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芽用于煎服。Buds are used in decoction.

吃一煎药就会好的。One decoction will put you right.

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以“白癜汤”治疗白癜风40例。Cases of Vitiligo treated by "Decoction Vitiligo".

煮汤或生食有止血作用。Taking it raw or as decoction can arrest bleeding.

治疗组给予补脏通络方治疗。Rats of treatment groups were treated with Buzangtongluo decoction.

用三维高效液相色谱法对六君子汤进行了鉴定。Three-dimensional HPLC was developed to identify Liujunzi Decoction.

目的选择麻杏石甘汤成分提取时药材最佳组合方式。Aim To select the optimum extracting mode of Maxing Shigan Decoction.

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醒脑消结汤是我院治疗脑胶质瘤的经验方。Xingnao Xiaojie decoction is our experience of brain gliomas treated.

正如另一种早上饮料--煮沸咖啡,也是一个常见的煎煮例子。Another morning cup--boiled coffee--is a common example of a decoction.

以含2%和4%地黄饮子培养基饲养果蝇观察其对果蝇寿命的影响。Effect Of Dihuang Yinzi decoction on lifespan of fruit fly were studied.

从而证实鸡血藤水煎液具有镇痛作用。It prove that water decoction of Caulis spatholobi has analgesic effect.

目的研究泽泻汤对正常小鼠血压的影响及其特点。ObjectiveTo study the effect of Zexie decoction on blood pressure in mice.

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结论中药礞石涤痰汤对精神分裂症有治疗作用。Conclusion Mengshi Ditan Decoction has therapeutic effect for schizophrenia.

目的选择黄连解毒汤方药的提取工艺。ObjectiveTo optimize the extraction technology of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction.

应用东垣升阳益胃汤加减治疗慢性泄泻取得较好临床疗效。Chronic diarrhea was treated with Shengyang Yiwei Decoction with good result.

结果煎煮次数和煎煮时间对芍药苷含量有显著影响。Result Significant effect was observed in decoction times and decoction time.

拔丝类菜肴的重要技术关键是熬糖。The important technical key for hot candied dishes is the decoction of sugar.

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谷精草制剂对豚鼠的皮肤无致敏性。Decoction of Scapus Eriocauli had no sensitization to the skin of guinea pigs.

药煎好后贞儿毅然把药喝下。Good medicine decoction after the zhen son resolutely put the medicine to drink.

黄药子对于动物饮用含小量硫氰酸钾所致的轻度甲状腺肿有治疗作用。Its decoction has varying inhibiting effect on fungi that cause skin infections.