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个人所有制。Individual ownership.

晶圆厂的所有权是关键。Ownership of the fab is the key.

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那栋房子已易新主。The house is under new ownership.

我希望你们掌握主动权。I want you to take ownership of it.

与所有权来剥夺。With ownership comes dispossession.

他否认这只狗是他的。He disclaim the ownership of the dog.

私有制应予以废除。Private ownership shall be abolished.

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那餐馆已易新主。The restaurant is under new ownership.

所有权和管理权相分离。Separation of ownership and management.

服务对企业数据的所有权。Ownership of enterprise data by services.

投资组合及其内容的所有权。Ownership of portfolios and their contents.

这就是占有者印记如何起源的过程。This is how ownership signatures came to be.

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共有是所有权的特殊形式。The co-ownership is a special form of ownership.

所有制是生产关系的基础。Ownership is the basis of productive relationship.

这是拜都拉清真寺旧寺的一部分。This is part of the price of individual ownership.

你会收到地契,以示所有权。You receive the Title Deed card showing ownership.

眼下的纠纷是这所房子的所有权问题。The matter in dispute is the ownership of the house.

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欢迎来到服务所有权的混沌世界。Welcome to the ambiguous world of service ownership.

将自我和工作结合在一起,授权给参与者。Entwining egos with the work — give people ownership.

没有限制的完全保有的土地所有权。Freehold ownership of land with no restriction to it.