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马萨则仅仅排在第13名。Masa merely arranges at 13th.

仅只是眼睑,如此琐细。Merely lid. How trivial it is.

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然而,这只让我看清了两件事。I merely recognized two things.

其实这只是一种譬喻罢了。Actually it's merely an analogy.

他不回答,只是两眼死死地盯着我。For say, he merely stared at me.

他那番话不过是表面文章。He was merely paying lip service.

这些改革仅仅是装点门面而已。These reforms are merely cosmetic.

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你只是想耍耍小聪明罢了。You are merely trying to be smart.

他不回答,只是两眼死死地盯着我。For answer, he merely stared at me.

我只是转述他的话。I am merely reporting what he said.

我们只是夜行人。We are merely walkers in the night.

它仅仅是人们情感的寄托物。It is people emotion reposing merely.

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她如今不再是清瘦而是瘦骨嶙峋。She was not merely thin but skeletal.

它们只是遵守意识思维的命令而已。They merely obey the behests of mind.

谁叫我们只带来一把小伞哪。Why we bring a small umbrella merely?

哈基姆的争论只会巩固它。Hakim's argument merely reinforces it.

我之所以做它是因为奉命行事。I did it merely because I was ordered.

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这说明你只不过是一个傀儡。That indicates you’re merely a puppet.

这些改革不仅仅是装点门面的。These reforms are not merely cosmetic.

耶稣“救人到底”,还是只是使人“能够得救”?Does Jesus save or merely make savable?