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锣鼓听声,听话听音。Hark ! I can hear their voices.

听铁蹄震撼大地!Hark to our stomps on the ground!

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听被遗忘了的力量知识。Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten.

那里有天使在头顶歌唱吗?且听。And are there angels singing overhead? Hark.

兔爪作为护身符可以追溯到英国早期的凯尔特部落。Rabbit feet as talismans may hark back to early Celtic tribes in Britain.

狐狸刚一窜出洞,他就命令他的猎犬冲了过去。He ordered his hound to hark away when the fox was scurrying out of its cave.

听导游说,今天是个好的天,真是天公作美。Just hark to local guide, today is a fine day, the weather will be cooperative.

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很多人回响一个国家保护他们远离粗暴市场力量的时代。Many hark back to an era when the state protected them from crude market forces.

我们到达黑鹰镇的时候,我已蜷缩在红色长毛绒的座位上睡熟很久了。I had been sleeping, curled up in a red plush seat for a long while when we reached Black Hark.

那你觉得吴宇森和徐克与演员之间的关系最不同之处是什么?Q. What's the main difference between John Woo and Tsui Hark about their relations with actors?

俄罗斯仍然拥有一个相当大的本土汽车产业,但是它的许多产品都与老苏维埃联盟有关。Russia still has a sizeable indigenous industry, but many of its products hark back to the old Soviet Union.

请以徐克两部电影,来说明他的个人风格以及所蕴含的寓意。Use any two films of Tsui Hark to illustrate his personal style and the allegorical messages implied in them.

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为了让你认识到情况有多严重,我还得重提一下我先前提到的这个问题。I have to hark back to this question that I mentioned earlier on in order to let you understand how serious it is.

徐克导演偏爱在电影框架里运用使人眼花缭乱的拍摄手法和美得惊心动魄的武打设计。Director Tsui Hark lovingly fills every frame with lush cinematography and astoundingly elegant fight choreography.

各个年龄段的人都问我有什么办法可以有效地帮助他们,并且总是重复说他们原来如何如何。People of all ages ask me if there is something that can be done for them. They hark back to how things used to be.

虽然故事听起来有点荒唐,但经过导演程小东和监制徐克的妙手处理,效果绝妙。Although it sounds like a silly premise, director Ching Siu-Tung and producer Tsui Hark make it work to great effect.

王家卫的美术造型设计师张叔平也拿过好几个奖,并和香港导演关锦鹏、徐克一同工作过。Wong's designer, William Cheung, has also received awards and worked with Hong Kong directors Stanley Kwan and Tsui Hark.

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不过此后主场作战的邱贻可显得略为保守,这样就给了徐克足够的搏杀空间。Since then, however, the home appears to be somewhat conservative, Qiu Yike , which gives the fight Tsui Hark enough space.

听导游说,今天是个好的天,真是天公作美。后来的事情证明她是对的。Just hark to local guide, today is a fine day, the weather will be cooperative. Subsequent events proved that she was right.

未来几年,经济学家和历史学家也许会想起那么一个礼拜的那个时刻,那个世界力量的平衡倾向了中国的时刻。In years to come, economists and historians might hark back to this week as the moment the balance of world power tipped toward China.