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花粉壁具疣状雕纹。Pollen wall is decorated with warty dots.

孢子呈椭圆形,表面呈不规则突起、疣状。The spore is oval and has a warty surface.

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忘掉她们尖尖的黑帽子和圆圆的鼻子。Forget the pointy black hat and warty nose.

局部切除术后一个月内伤口疣体复发。Warty recurrences occurred in the perineal wound within a month of surgery.

米沙鄢疣猪是非常珍稀的物种,目前只在菲律宾的2个岛上有发现过。The Visayan warty pig is critically endangered and is found only on two islands in the Philippines.

新疆库鲁克塔格地区巷古勒塔格组发育瘤状灰岩,是一种深水沉积序列。Nodular limestones of Hanguletag formation in the Kuruktag are part of a type of warty sedimentary sequence.

圣地牙哥的动物园里,一只6周大的比萨亚疣猪在一只成年的疣猪身上嬉戏。A 6-week-old Visayan warty pig played king of the mountain atop of an adult at the San Diego Zoo, February 6, 2006.

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这些疣状赘生物平均仅几个毫米,沿着心内膜炎症区上的瓣膜闭锁缘形成。These warty vegetations average only a few millimeters and form along the line of valve closure over areas of endocardial inflammation.

大大小小的疣,密密麻麻布满这位妇人的身体,从头到脚,双脚也看起来像是树干。These warty nodules cover this woman's body, from her face down to her legs, which are already so advanced they look as if she's covered in tree-bark.

一种潜行在塔图音贾霸宫殿外岩石堆里的多疣路边食腐动物,这种愚蠢的动物有著闪电般快速的舌头,用以捕捉较小的猎物。Found lurking in the rocks outside of Jabba's palace on Tatooine is this variety of warty roadside scavenger. The dimwitted creature has a lightning-fast tongue, which it uses to catch smaller prey.

型是指纹孔室内瘤状层缺乏或罕见,B型则具明显的瘤状层。并对具缘纹孔在系统发育中的变化进行了讨论。In type A, the warty layer is absent or rare in pit chamber and in type B, the warty layer is present, in this paper, the variation in phylogeny of the pit membrane in bordered pits is also discussed.

可是你一点功德也没有,就想开悟,简直是痴心妄想,癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉,那是办不到的。To wish for enlightenment without creating any merit or virtue is simply vain thinking. As it's said, "A warty frog has no hope of tasting the flesh of the great, white swan. " It's simply impossible.