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这就是为什么你应该考虑成本,舒适,坚固。That is why you should consider cost, comfort, and sturdiness.

整车采用镁合金压铸成型,坚固耐用。Magnesium alloy die-casting molding, sturdiness and durability.

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菱形钢车身,高强度管状结构。STURDINESS. 14-G diamond plate steel body, high strength tubular frame.

牛具有雄壮性猛耐寒冷,抗缺氧,抗疲劳等生理特性。The Cattle have the characteristic of sturdiness , anti-anoxia and anti-fatigue.

我买了两个扬声器,解开他们,并同柜坚固留下深刻印象。I bought two speakers, unpacked them, and was impressed with sturdiness of the cabinets.

我们已经采取了这讨厌的玻璃屏幕和全电脑雕刻出铝,额外的坚固。We've taken out that pesky glass screen and carved the entire computer out of aluminum, for extra sturdiness.

陈三立的七言古体诗具有独特的审美特质,并非人们常说的散原诗歌的萧索凄寂,而是多有酣畅崛健的风格。Chen Sanli s 7-word ancient poems have a unique aesthetic idiosyncracy with a style of fluency and sturdiness.

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一位出租车司机说,这种车坚固耐用,这适于在冰岛公路之外的火山地貌上使用。One taxi driver said their sturdiness is useful when off- roading over Iceland's volcanic landscape at the weekends.

当我选择它时,他是否温暖和舒适,产品的重量和坚固性是否提高了我的感觉?Is it warm and comfortable when I pick it up?Does the weight and sturdiness of the product enhance my sense of quality?

也许这雄壮鼓舞人来想象“大狗”是远远超出负重的机器野兽。Maybe it's this sturdiness that's inspiring some to think about the BigDogs are most than just mechanical beasts of burden.

离合器材质经过热处理,坚固耐用,扭力衰减低,稳定性高,使用寿命长。Clutch material after heat treatment, sturdiness and durability, and torque with low attenuation, high stability, long using life.

百年灵的金属表链以其独特造型、精致外观、坚固耐用和佩带舒适而受市场青睐。Breitling's metal bracelets are distinguished by their unique design, high-end finish, tried and tested sturdiness and wearer comfort.

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液压传动、摆式刀架。机架整体焊接坚固耐用,使用氮气回程,平稳迅速。Hydraulic Drive, tilting tool carrier. Rack overall welding sturdiness and durability, and the use of nitrogen return, smooth rapidly.

古迹修复是门高风险的行业,为了团队的安全,评估建筑坚固度并做充分的鹰架支撑是非常必要的。It's a high-risk business, and an evaluation of the building's sturdiness and ample support scaffolding are essential for the safety of the crew.

被维内许的血所碰触而成为的龙人藉由大地本身表现他们的天性,无论是无坚不摧的最大自由或是残暴的野兽。Drakkin touched by the blood of Venesh pull their traits from the earth itself, whether the sturdiness of the greatest free or the ferocity of the wildest beast.

科勒陶瓷经过高温烧热后,陶瓷达到瓷化,釉面熔合,因而具备不渗水、坚固耐用和光泽油亮的优点。After high temperature ceramic heat books, porcelain, ceramics reached, glazed fusion, and thus have no seepage, sturdiness and durability and luster displaying advantages.

菜篮是竹子编成,编成有孔以沥水,篮底有三根竹子,整成六角形,增加底部的承压力,台湾民间农家使用,本件文物底部略有破坏。This vegetable basket, made of bamboo has apertures to allow for water drainage. The bottom is woven of three stems of bamboo in hexagonal patterns increasing its sturdiness.

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科皇欧龙门具有欧美风格,造型别致,是具有坚固、隔热、低噪音性能的理想产品。The brand "Kehuang Oulong" garage dorr, with the Western style and unique appearance, has the characteristics of sturdiness , heat isolation and low noise and is an ideal product.

这些小玩意有各种你喜欢的尺寸和颜色,最让你满意的是,它们非常便宜,每个几块钱---和你自己为了加固线盒而DIY的价钱差不多。They come in multiple sizes and colors, which is also nice, and best of all, they're just a few bucks a pop—well worth it for the increased sturdiness you get over some DIY options.

这类车出人意料的坚固和功效使Masuko先生非常高兴,和一些汽车营销商一样,过去常常和那些怀疑论者争论,那些怀疑论者坚持认为电动汽车昂贵而且不实用。The cars’ unexpected sturdiness and utility has pleased Mr. Masuko, who, like other automobile executives, has been battling skeptics who see electric vehicles as expensive and impractical.