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内部装修的“未完”状态正是应委托人的要求。The interior incompletion is client's request.

一位顾客发现这个产品有一点不完整。A customer discovered the slight incompletion in the product.

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如果这话不完全正确,那至少在很大程度上是正确的。If this words incompletion is right, that is to a large extent right at least.

随着我们的观察,信息在不断变化,因而它处于一种永恒的不完整状态。Information is evolving as we watch, and thus it is in a constant state of incompletion.

为不完全信息情况下的攻击源定位问题研究提供了一种新的思路。This approach brings a new way to trace back attackers with incompletion mark information.

粗糙集理论是一种新兴的处理不精确、不确定与不完全数据的数学理论。Rough Set is a new mathematics theory that can deal with incertitude and incompletion data.

女童教育不完全,也是义务教育不完全。The incompletion of school-age girls education means the incompletion of compulsory education.

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事实上,延缓事情唯一的结果是一种今日「未完成」或「陷住」的无趣和沮丧的感觉。In fact, the one and only result of postponing things is a dull and depressing feeling of incompletion and 'stuck-ness' today.

用磁带机对ILAS系统进行数据备份有很多缺陷,数据的完整性、安全性差。Backing up the datum of the ILAS system with tape driver has many defects, such as the incompletion and insecurity of the datum.

其功能表现为心灵缺失的满足与美学理想的生成。Its function is to satisfy the incompletion of one's mind and is to promote the emergence of cultivation aestivation aesthetics.

渤南油田低渗透油藏注采井网二次不完善,削弱了油田稳产基础。Foundation of stable production of low permeability reservoir, in Bonan Oilfield, is undermined by incompletion of injection-production pattern.

由于审计契约的不完全性和审计师对客户进行首次审计时的专用性投资,客户的经理层存在激励对审计师敲竹杠。The incompletion of audit contract and auditors special investment in the initial auditing breed an incentive that clients managers hold up auditors.

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我们内在种种不对劲、欲振乏力及有所缺憾之感,乃是基于我们坚信那操作整个幻觉世界得“匮乏原则”。Our sense of inadequacy, weakness and incompletion comes from the strong investment in the "scarcity principle" that governs the whole world of illusions.

长春市经济结构主要问题是产业结构低度化、调整机制尚未形成、城镇化水平低。The major problems in the economic structure of our city are low industrial structure, incompletion of adjustment mechanism and low level of urbanization.

在巴赫金的思想中经现象学还原的我与他人之间的本体性差异延续了未完成与完成的对立。In Bakhtin's thought, the ontological difference between I and He recurved through phenomenology continues the opposition between incompletion and completion.

提出了一种基于不完全小波包变换和能量归一化作为预处理的模拟电路故障诊断的BP网络算法。Thus it proposes the BP neural network fault diagnosis algorithm based on the incompletion wavelet packet transform and energy normalization as preprocessors.

尽管后来的布尔巴基学派的结构数学使公理化方法更上一层楼,但仍然无法克服公理化方法本身的局限性。Theory of incompletion of Godel drastically exposes the limitation of axiomatizing itself. The method of structure of 13ourbakian can't conquer this limitation.

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但实验数据不完备、结构损伤标识量的选取、神经网络的选定等问题没有得到很好的解决。But there are still some problems to be solved such as selection of neural network, determination of structural damage indicator and incompletion of measurement.

但是,目前仍然有一些问题,如神经网络选定、结构损伤标志量选取、测试数据不完备等,没有得到很好解决。But there are still some problems to be solved such as selection of neural networks, determination of structural damage indicator and incompletion of measurement.

不完备的审计契约需要科学的制度安排来确保审计契约的产权绩效。Because of the incompletion of the audit contract, the scientific institutions arrangements are needed to ensure the realization of the property right performance.