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这是一架木琴。This is a xylophone.

木琴也很有趣。And so is the xylophone.

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马林巴琴有共鸣器的大型木…A large wooden percussion instrument with resonators, resembling a xylophone.

在学校中,我教学生玩爵士乐的鼓,半球形铜鼓,木琴等等。In school, I teach students to play jazz drums, kettledrums, xylophone and so on.

木琴琴键的长度决定音阶的不同音调。The length of the bars of the xylophone determines the different notes of the scale.

这款手机的表面和外观设计得很有常见的十分好玩的木琴的感觉。The look and form of the phone is designed to resemble the playful nature of the xylophone.

来自香港,精通长笛短笛钢琴木琴演奏,音乐就是她的一切。From hong kong , to be accomplished in flute , piccolo , piano , xylophone . music is her all.

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今天的实验中,我们要利用家中随手可得的东西来制作一架「水瓶木琴」。In today's experiment you will make a water bottle xylophone using objects from around the house.

代表“木琴”,你所知道的一种乐器,或者当你演奏军乐时你需要用到一架木琴。X is for a xylophone. It's an instrument you know, or you can use an X when you play take-tattoo.

都很欢迎所有的人,孩子们三岁开始,就学唱歌弹木琴,和其他活动。All are welcome, children as young as three begin with singing, xylophone playing and other exercises.

我将会为你奏木琴,我将会让我走进你的心,让你沉浸在爱中,你让我着迷。Xylophone I will play for you, I will take my heart to you, Addict you in my love, Obsess you make me.

正是在海特的乐团里,汉普顿用扩音木琴――电颤琴制作了他的首张唱片。It was in Hite's ensemble that Hampton made his first recording on the vibraharp, an amplified xylophone.

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乐团表演所用的乐器基本立足于非洲各式各样的传统打击乐器,如用硬木雕挖的木琴,世界闻名的金杯鼓等。Basically they use different types of Africans Traditional music instruments such as xylophone made out of wood and Djimbe drum.

他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到20岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。He worked hard to perfect his craft, and before his 20th birthday, he added the tympani, marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.

他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到20岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。He worked hard to perfect his craft , and before his 20th birthday , he added the tympani , marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.

打击乐器有鼓、低音鼓、钹,还有三角铁、铃鼓,有时还有木琴。The percussion instruments include the drum, the bass drum, the cymbals , the triangle, the tambourine, and sometimes the xylophone.

现有编制除以口琴乐为主的簧片乐器外,尚配备有口风琴、木琴、铁琴、风琴、手风琴、钢琴及定音鼓等打击乐器。Besides all kinds of harmonicas , the current organization also includes melodion , xylophone , vibraphone, organ, accordion, piano , and timpani.

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除了非洲鼓、非洲古巴鼓、木琴等乐器,像木块、桌子、石头,甚至是人的手腕、指尖、声带等,在乐团成员的手中时也能演奏出曼妙音符。Besides the djembe , xylophone , pieces of wood , desk , stone , even human wrists , figure points , vocal cords are also to be used to make their music.

圣诞夜对着挂在窗上的袜子许下愿望,水晶球散发着光芒,音乐盒响起了木琴的声音,转动的芭比。Christmas Eve on the front of the socks hanging in the window promised wishes, crystal radiates light, music box xylophone sounded the voice of Barbie rotation.