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我问道印度阿三的味道了。I smell a Hindu troll.

我跑去找山怪了。I went looking for the troll.

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好吧这确实是非常的有用处。OK, this is actually a pretty good troll.

蜜蜂嗡嗡忙碌在樱桃花间。Busy bees around the cherry blossoms troll out.

罪犯们在汽车站搜索年轻的逃跑者。Criminals troll bus stations for young runaways.

但专利勒索的崛起把这一切都改变了。But the rise of the patent troll changedall that.

冰霜巨魔的施法者则站在后方,施展法术。Ice troll spellcasters stay behind to cast spells.

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如果你是个被虐待狂,你可以上youtube循环播放视频剪辑。If you are a masochist, you can troll YouTube for clips.

也可能是支持特朗普的发帖者,他们声称希拉里会发动核战争。Could be a Trump troll. Saying Hillary will start a nuclear war.

不玩游戏,改为边逗猫眯边在论坛神游。Give up on gaming and troll on forums and play with cats instead.

冰霜巨魔是一种生活在寒冷气候中的巨魔亚种。Ice trolls are a subspecies of troll that lives in cold climates.

这矮人从地上爬起来,大笑着,重新拿起他拄的棍子。The troll clambered to his feet, laughing, and retrieved his stick.

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阿奎特将通过巨魔吨和数据吨,模式来看A quant will troll through tons and tons of data, looking for patterns

男性巨魔现在副手武器的大小和主手武器一样了。Troll Male off-hand items are now the same size as the main hand item.

潜伏在一些好的观点中有的是攻讦。And there, lurking among dozens of well-intentioned opinions, is a troll.

恨听起来像一个巨魔,但是这可能是另一种赚钱的时尚。Hate to sound like a troll but this is probably another money-making fad.

唯一比女性牛头人丑的就是女性巨魔。The only thing in the game uglier than a Tauren female is a Troll female.

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顺便说下,你蹩脚的英语和对标点的乱用暴露了你是个中国小白。Your broken english and poor punctuation outs you as a chinese troll BTW.

这些回廊在电影中的最佳镜头是从女厕所所拍到的合唱场面。The best shot of the cloisters is from the Girls Lavatory door in the Troll scene.

许多中国喷子在这里大叫为什么韩国海军杀害三个中国渔民。Lot of Chinese troll here crying why south Korean navies killed 3 Chinese fisherman.