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如何能避免刑事错案?How to avoid miscarriage cases?

流产的风险约为四百分之一。The risk of miscarriage is about 1 in 400.

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禁用蓖麻油泻剂,以免引起流产。Ban with castor oil evacuant, lest cause miscarriage.

在海牙,玛丽朗费罗流产了。In the Hague, Mary Longfellow suffered a miscarriage.

为了避免误投,你还是将信挂号寄出为好。To avoid miscarriage you'd better register your letter.

我想请问大家,我这样的情况是闭经还是流产了呀!I want to ask you, I this is a miscarriage or amenorrhea Yes!

而流产率很大程度上也受父方年龄的影响。Miscarriage rates were also typically affected by maternal age.

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秋桦意外推倒佳珍,导致佳珍流产并昏迷不醒。Qiuhua accidentally bumps into Jiazhen causing her to miscarriage.

例如可能增加流产的危险的三卤甲烷。Trihalomethanes, for instance, can increase the risk of miscarriage.

临床受孕率,流产率和分娩率也被记录。Clinical pregnancy, miscarriage and delivery rates were also recorded.

强烈的疼痛可能是早期流产或宫外孕的征兆。Intense pain could be a sign of early miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

适用于妇女贫血及流产后体虚的调养。Suitable for women anemia and after miscarriage body virtual aftercare.

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有时会导致在怀孕期间无声无息的早期流产。This can sometimes lead to a silent miscarriage early in the pregnancy.

这是一个重大的原因不孕,异位妊娠和流产。This is a major cause of infertility, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

两种检测都相当精确,但会有轻微的流产的风险。Both tests are extremely accurate but carry a slight risk of miscarriage.

妮可之前怀过克鲁斯的孩子,但不幸流产。She had been pregnant once before with Cruise but suffered a miscarriage.

由于丁海的晚归,清苓送医不及导致流产。Because of the late Qing Ling Ding Hai, the hospital not cause miscarriage.

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1822年,她有一个危险的误判和她相信她会死。In 1822 she had a dangerous miscarriage and she believed that she would die.

令这个话题秘而不宣会使谁受到伤害呢?Why can't we talk about miscarriage? Who is hurt by keeping the topic taboo?

同时,王院长还指出这些再生育患者流产率都大于普通患者。She said the women also have suffered larger than normal rates of miscarriage.