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这是来自加州傅布鲁克的夏洛特·列格在这儿的第四天了。Charlotte Leger of Fallbrook, California, is here for her fourth day.

这是来自加州傅布鲁克的夏洛特·列格在这儿的第四天了。Charlotte Leger of Fallbrook, California , is here for her fourth day.

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但St.Leger也承认,关于这一技术的完整的安全相关测试需要花费好几年的时间。Still, St. Leger says, completing relevant safety tests will take several years.

当我说“我是个基督徒”,我不声称本人完善无瑕,我的污点太醒目,但上帝仍然看我有价值。My flaws are far too visible, herve leger dress sale, but God believes I am worth it.

如你所知,荷芙妮格礼服也是伟大的产品来表达你的臀部成功。As you know, Herve Leger dresses also great products to express your buttock successfully.

熟悉国际会计知识并能够处理英文的分类帐目。Familiar with International Accounting Knowledge and could do the English Leger & transaction.

当莱吉尔马赛进行的时候,保罗对“活力火花”确信无疑,这是一匹很不显眼的马。And when the Leger was coming on, Paul was "sure" about Lively Spark, which was a quite inconsiderable horse.

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加线为较短的水平线,用以表明音调在五线谱之上或之下。Ledger lines or leger lines are short horizontal lines used to indicate notes that lie above or below the stave.

所以,当你想要改变,荷芙妮格秋季时尚西装礼服带来新鲜,在本赛季是完美的选择。So once you want a change, Herve Leger Autumn dress with stylish suit is perfect choice to bring freshness in this season.

从设计角度,鞋大火体育相同的埃尔维·盖着的医治计数器和兰德空气最大1是众所周知的。From a design standpoint, the shoe herve leger twitter sports the same heal counter and rand for which the Air Max 1 is known.

克丽丝变性前曾做过技工,也做过电工,如今他变身为性感女模,并已录制了自己的首张专辑。Chrisie was Chris the mechanic, Herve Leger Uk Sale, an electrician, but now has worked as a model and recently recorded an album.

这周末跟一个爱好跑步的朋友聊天,她提起跑了几个月后,她的脚变得一团糟。I was talking to a runner this weekend who told me that, Herve Leger Clothing, after several months of running, her feet are a mess.

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广州宇莱杰机械有限公司专业从事国内外先进焊接设备的推广、销售,以及相关的技术支持和服务。Yu Guangzhou Machinery Co. , Ltd. specializes in Leger advanced welding equipment, sales, as well as related technical support and services.

才订婚没多久的希拉里达芙身穿一件水绿色紧身大V领短裙搭配多层链条项链登场。Hillary Duff wore a skin-tight aqua Herve Leger bandage dress with tons of chain necklaces and a pair of Christian Louboutin "Big Lips" pumps.

即便如此,珍妮特建议,经历过事故的成年人也需受到监控,因为放射性物质可通过气体、食物以及水被带入成年人体内。However, adults should also be monitored because people absorb radiation from reactor emissions via inhalation, food and water, Janette says, Herve Leger Clothing.