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你天刚亮就起床吗?Get up at dawn?

我在黎明时醒了。I woke up at dawn.

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天光将晓。The day will dawn.

第二天天一亮。Next day after dawn.

她天一亮就出发了。She set out at dawn.

而黎明还多的是。And the dawn was more.

我们必须天一亮就启程。We must start at dawn.

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公鸡在黎明时报晓。The cock crows at dawn.

我们将在黎明启航。We are sailing at dawn.

外面,是空荡的黎明。Outside, the empty dawn.

公鸡在黎明时啼叫。The cock crowed at dawn.

他们狂欢通宵达旦。They reveled until dawn.

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他会在黎明时来那儿。He'll come there at dawn.

黎明成了苹果绿的。The dawn was apple-green.

我们在黎明时出发了。We sallied forth at dawn.

在夜暗和黎明之间。Between the dark and dawn.

于是,帝国的序幕由此拉开。It was the dawn of empire.

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图为黎明晨练情景。Morning exercises at dawn.

公鸡在黎明时打鸣儿。The rooster crows at dawn.

崭新的黎明就要来临。A new dawn seemd to arrive.