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都怪你的胸罩!I attribute your bra!

属性值必须加引号。Attribute values must be quoted.

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根据构造型属性值来着色Color by stereotype attribute value

权杖是权力的标志。A scepter is the attribute of power.

沉默可是真如性质之一?Is silence an attribute of the real?

土地使用税属于资源税类。Land used tax attribute resources tax.

你认为这是吸引力的因素。And you attribute it to the attraction.

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属性是简单的名称值对。An attribute is simply a name-value pair.

从弹出菜单上选择一个属性。Select an attribute from the pop-up menu.

属性选择符有四种匹配方式Attribute selectors may match in four ways

不能最小化属性值对。Attribute value pairs cannot be minimized.

每个语言皆有自己的属性语法。Each language has its own attribute syntax.

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原因嘛,我想这要归功于我的数学老师--沃兹先生。Why? I attribute it to the teacher Mr. Ward.

它的后代随之就会继承这种特性。Its progeny would then inherit the attribute.

我的神格就是独立。The attribute of my divinity is independence.

礼貌待人是知识分子的特点之一。Politeness is an attribute of an intellectual.

鬼神则是气在太虚状态下的属性。Third, ghosts and gods are the Qi's attribute.

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同样,如果愿意,可以更改这些属性值。Again, change the attribute values if you like.

属性值必须是标识符或字符串。Attribute values must be identifiers or strings.

每个属性都应该包含在双引号中。Each attribute should be within double quotations.