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我要给帕特里夏打个电话。I'll call Patricia.

舅妈帕特丽夏是他的妻子。Aunt Patricia is his wife.

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帕特丽夏递给她一只盒子。Patricia handed her a box.

你与帕特里夏谈过吗?Have you talked to Patricia?

这伤害了帕特里夏尼尔可怕。This hurt Patricia Neal terribly.

帕萃莎·珀拉蔻是个好作家。Patricia Polacco was a good writer.

她和帕特丽夏共用一个办公室。She shared an office with Patricia.

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帕特里夏尼尔只是二三。Patricia Neal was just twenty-three.

而帕特里夏做过新闻。But Patricia has worked in news before.

我知道但派翠西亚不适合我。I know but Patricia isn't right for me.

帕特里夏昨天去一个餐馆了。Patricia went to a restaurant yesterday.

派翠西亚是我在世界上最喜欢的人。Patricia is my favorite person in the world.

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我不能因为那点小事去打扰派翠西亚。I can't bother Patricia with my little affairs.

莫小玲或谢宛谕,因为她们是女人。Either Patricia or Fiona because they are ladies.

我昨天雇了帕特里夏。吴来接替她的工作。I hired Patricia Woo to take her place yesterday.

演员阵容包括约翰·塞纳、丹尼·格洛弗和帕特里西亚·克拉克森。John Cena, Danny Glover and Patricia Clarkson star.

派翠西亚是个内向的女孩,不容易交到朋友。Patricia is a shy girl and doesn't make friends easily.

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或许我老婆派翠莎可以去,不过我不知道她现在人在哪里。Maybe my wife Patricia can go. I don't know where she is though.

在二十世纪五十年代帕特里夏尼尔又出现在百老汇。In the nineteen fifties Patricia Neal again appeared on Broadway.

西比尔·里劳妮是霍格沃兹的占卜教师。Sibyll Patricia Trelawney is the Divination professor at Hogwarts.