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本会将寄回捐款收据。NFF of PRC. will send the receipt.

我是中国辽宁省铁岭市人。I am from Tieling, Liaoning Province, PRC.

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张华律师自1997年开始律师执业。Gavin Zhang was admitted to practice PRC laws in 1997.

这个域名被指向了上海黄浦区某地。This domain name had been redirected to Shanghai, PRC.

一九四九年十月一日是中华人民共和国成立的日子。October 1at. 1949 was the day when the PRC was founded.

新神州建立后废除了一夫多妻制。Plural marriage was abolished after the foundation of PRC.

中华人民共和国国旗,旗面为红色,象征革命。The national flag of PRC is red which stands for revolution.

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今年是中华人民共和国成立60周年。This year marks the 60th anniversary of founding of the PRC.

姜传宗教授是一名建筑教育家和一级注册建筑师。Professor Chuanzong Jiang is an educationalist and 1 RA- PRC.

博澳旅游总规海南,中国。规划。占地10.18公制面积单位。Boau Tourism Master Planning, Hanan, PRC. Planning. 10.18sqkm.

渤海湾多彩的海水,山东日照。Colorful sea water on the stony beach of Rizhao, Shandong, PRC.

祝中华人民共和国和香港特别行政区区旗上的紫荆花开得更艳!I wish PRC and the HKSAR flag Bauhinia flowers on the more-yan!

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众所周知,国共两党都免除了日本的战争赔款。And all we known, both PRC and ROC gave up Japan, s war reparations.

我能参加开国大典那真是十分荣幸。It is my pleasure to attend the Ceremony of the founding of the PRC.

董刚先生的主要业务领域为中国税务及企业咨询。Mr. Tony Dong specializes in PRC tax and business advisory services.

好好研究一下这个提法,历朝历代,包括如今的共和国真正实施的是这个。This is what in general most Dynasties to now the PRC is implementing.

新中国建立后,在经济建设中曾进行过三次重大的经济调整。There have been three great economic reforms since the founding of PRC.

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中华人民共和国正在逐步成为许多第三世界国家的赞助商。The PRC is gradually turning into a sponsor of many third-world countries.

周大文是既有烹饪理论又有精湛技艺的一代名厨。He has earned a living as a celebrity chef after the foundation of the PRC.

香港市民展开手中的五星红旗,欢庆中华人民共和国成立61周年。People unfolded the flags to celebrate the 61st birthday of PRC in Hongkong.