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这是位于平壤市中央的九川塔。This is the Juche Tower, in central Pyongyang.

在平壤,讲到韩国泡菜时要小心。Be careful what you say about kimchi in Pyongyang.

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据报道,他们正在平壤接受审问。They are reportedly under interrogation in Pyongyang.

但是平壤否认对那次袭击负有责任。But Pyongyang denies it is responsible for the attack.

平壤说,它的鱼雷是由合金钢做的。Pyongyang says its torpedoes are made of steel alloys.

但是只有朝鲜给予积极地答复后,这些才能发生。But these should happen only if Pyongyang reciprocates.

选曲确实是很轻松的一步。Choosing what to play in Pyongyang proved the easy part.

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这是平壤附近的一个鸵鸟农场的鸟瞰图。This is an aerial view of an ostrich farm near Pyongyang.

在平壤,他们拿走我们的护照和手机。In Pyongyang they took away our passports and cell phones.

平壤警告说,击落他们发射的卫星将意味着战争。Pyongyang has warned such a shootdown would result in war.

联合国后来因为这些试验而对平壤实行了制裁。The U.N. later imposed sanctions on Pyongyang for the tests.

平壤方面扬言要在本周末恢复在那里的活动。Pyongyang vowed to resume activity there by the end of this week.

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北京的立场加剧了平壤面对的外交压力。Beijing's position ratchets up the diplomatic pressure on Pyongyang.

在朝鲜战争前,平壤是基督教徒的活动中心。Pyongyang was the center of Christian activity before the Korean War.

同一天,金正日还视察了平壤市龙城食品厂。The same day, Kim Jong Il also visited Pyongyang Dragon Food Factory.

元山朝鲜东南部一城市,位于平壤东部的日本海岸。A city of southeast North Korea on the Sea of Japan east of Pyongyang.

在寻找证据的过程中,他们也在把好战的朝鲜政府逼向死角。In doing so, it pushes the belligerent regime in Pyongyang into a corner.

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该航空公司计划在北京与平壤之间每星期飞行叁个航班。The airline plans to fly three days a week between Beijing and Pyongyang.

一队发誓捍卫太阳秘密的德国心外科医生曾飞到平壤。A team of German heart surgeons, sworn to secrecy, was flown to Pyongyang.

他在平壤的一家酒店的地下室里开设了朝鲜惟一的赌场。He opened North Korea's only casino, in the basement of a Pyongyang hotel.