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为何都带有丝丝忧愁。Why are with filar silk sorrow.

夜中的雨,丝丝的织就了诗人的情绪。Night in the rain, filar silk woven the emotions of the poet.

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也可将丝巾挂在衣架上,并用衣夹固定。Also can hang filar towel on clothes tree, secure with clothes-pin.

只有散文中透出的丝缕哀愁才能牵动我的神经。Only gives fully in prose of filar detailed sorrow to affect my nerve.

本文介绍了电镀锌耐指纹板丝状斑迹缺陷产生的两个主要原因。There was filar spot stain on the electro-galvanized antifinger plate.

带着对丽江的美好回忆,还有对李谷的丝丝怀念,我回昆明了。Bringing the good memory to Li Jiang, still the filar silk to Li Gu is yearned for, I answer Kunming.

用厚纸夹在夹子与丝巾之间,衣夹就不会在丝巾上留下痕迹。Place between clincher and filar towel with pasteboard, clothes-pin won't leave a mark on filar towel.

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在选择墙布时,还要注重表面不要有抽丝、跳丝的现象。When choosing wall cloth, notice the surface does not have reel off raw silk from cocoons even, jump filar phenomenon.

在花间漫步,你的衣角会沾染丝丝冷香,这就是薰衣草名字的来历。Stroll between the flower, your garment horn can be infected with filar silk Leng Xiang, this is the antecedents of lavender name.

洗后要用清水漂洗干净,不可拧绞以防丝缕位移、绸面起皱。Clear water full should be used after washing clean, cannot twist wring in case filar detailed displacement, silken face is corrugate.

颜色艳丽的花器和布艺制品只是看上一眼都可以感觉到它带来的丝丝热力。The flower with gorgeous color implement and cloth art goods is settle on only the filar silk heating power that can feel it is brought.

丝状真菌菌丝体的分裂机制和分枝机制以及调控机制一直是科学家们研究的热点。The ramification or divarication mechanisms of filar microbe as soon as its self-control mechanism are focus of study to microbe scientists all though.

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建议采用具有光泽的反光材料的布艺来装饰墙壁,比如,棉加丝面料的窗帘。The proposal uses those who have burnish to glance the cloth of material art will decorate wall, for instance, cotton adds the curtain of filar fabrics.

丝丝柔柔的轻风,传去了节日的祝辞,飘向远方的你,愿你渡过这抵家的一切,端午节欢腾。Filar silk gentle breeze, preach to the festival, piaoxiang distant remarks of you, may you have this wonderful everything, Dragon Boat Festival is happy.

单单与室内装饰有关的,就可以大致划分为钉丝五金、橱柜五金、水暖浴室五金和门窗五金等。Concern with interior decoration only, can differentiate to warm to press filar hardware, ambry hardware, water roughly bathroom hardware and door window hardware.

而作为石英丝编织物的海吉布,其韧性还可以起到防止墙体出现裂痕、墙面发生破裂的保护作用。And the Haijibu that regards quartz as filar basketwork , its tenacity still can rise to prevent cracked of wall body occurrence crack, metope happening to protect action.

炎炎夏日,赤足走在室内的瓷砖地面上,丝丝凉气就会顺着脚指向上传递,将一身的燥热彻底瓦解。Sorching summer, barefoot goes indoors on ceramic tile ground, filar silk cool air can point to down the foot deliver up, the hot and dry and complete disintegrate of a suit.

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很少有人会联想到丝也可以作为衣柜的门板,多姿多彩的丝缎色彩斑斓和梦幻,时尚得引人注目。Very few somebody can associate to silk to also can serve as the door plank of chest, the filar damask with much colorful appearance glows and dream, vogue is gotten conspicuous.

松松垮垮的镂空针织外套,展现迷人的慵懒姿态,搭配海军风格子短裙,清爽可人,加上清新的印花丝巾更添清新可爱感。Baggy hollow-out knitting coat, show charming languid lazy attitude, tie-in naval style son short skirt, relaxed but person, add pure and fresh printing filar towel add fresh lovely feeling.

丝巾、领带、腰带、袜子、内衣、帽子、眼镜、皮包等,这些细小的东西都有属于自己的抽屉,省去了很多整理和找东西的不便。Filar towel, cravat, chatelaine, sock, underwear, cap, glasses, portfolio, these petty things have the drawer that belongs to his, leave out a lot of inconvenience that arrange and seek a thing.