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你是专门做哪部分的?What's your specialty?

这是她的拿手菜。This dish is her specialty.

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这儿的特餐是什么?What is the specialty here?

你们今天有什么特色食品?What's your specialty today?

东山羊是我们店的特色菜。Dongshan Mutton is the specialty.

他的专长是中国史。His specialty is Chinese history.

核桃是当地的土特产。Walnut is a local specialty here.

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虾仁色拉油也是我们的特色菜。Shrimp salad is our specialty too.

这是青岛名优产品。This is a Qingdao local specialty.

今天的特色菜是烧鸡。Today's specialty is roast chicken.

这个工作与我的专业不对口。This job does not match my specialty.

我的专业就是房屋产权。and actually my specialty is housing.

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他的专长是研究蜘蛛。His specialty was researching spiders.

黔西南有哪些特产食品?What specialty food southwest Guizhou?

真正的陶土专业是希曼的第一个专业。Real clay was Seaman's first specialty.

龙井茶是杭州特产。Longjing tea is a specialty of Hangzhou.

我可以介绍今日特选么?May I recommend our specialty for today?

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你们店的招牌菜是什么?What is the specialty of the restaurant?

莫道克大学的主打专业是什么?What is the primary specialty at Mrudoch?

本餐厅的拿手菜是什么?。What is the specialty of this restaurant?