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这是墨水台吗?。Is this an inkstand?

他打开墨水瓶去写一首诗。He opened the inkstand to write a poem.

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羽毛笔嘲笑墨水瓶。The feather pen laughed at the inkstand.

墨水瓶不知道装在她里面的是什么。The inkstand had no idea what was inside of her.

桌上有一支笔、一个铅制墨水缸和一些纸张。On a table lay a pen, a leaden inkstand and paper.

在诗人房间的书桌上有个墨水瓶。There was an inkstand on the desk in a poet's room.

墨水瓶对羽毛笔和其他书写用具说。The inkstand told this to a feather pen and other writing materials.

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它的黑色和墨迹的卓越的黑色毫无关系。Its blackness has no connection with the sublime blackness of the inkstand.

“起来,你个白痴,”他厉声说道,“否则我就用这墨水台砸你的脑袋。"Get up, you idiot, " he said, sternly, "or I'll brain you with this inkstand.

“从来没有!”王后狂怒地说,把墨水瓶向着壁虎扔去。"Never! " said the Queen, furiously, throwing an inkstand AT the lizard as she spoke.

羽毛笔说墨水瓶唯一能做的事就是给他提供墨水。The feather pen said that the only thing the inkstand can do is give him ink. They kept arguing.

画家无奈,到处捉他,最终在床底下把他捉住,又塞进墨水瓶里。Painter but everywhere to catch him, and finally caught him under the bed and into the inkstand Lane.

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“是的,这就是我交给你、让你写下的东西呀,”墨水壶说。"Yes, what I gave you to write, " retorted the inkstand. "That was a cut at you because of your conceit.

直到那时不管是墨水瓶还是羽毛笔都没能认识到他们的才能都是宝贵的。Neither the inkstand nor the feather pen could recognize that their abilities were all precious until then.

一端砚台,一支毛笔,还有最近完成的几副书法,占据了他沉重的天井桌桌面。A classic Chinese inkstand and writing brush share his heavy patio desk with several sheets of recently completed calligraphy.

桌上有一支笔、一个铅制墨水缸和一些纸张,这是为可能需要的笔录以及夜间巡逻寄存物品时备用的。On a table lay a pen, a leaden inkstand and paper, provided in the event of possible reports and the orders of the night patrols.

紧靠着格朗泰尔的,是一张几乎冷冷清清的桌子、一张纸、一瓶墨水和一支笔,放在两个小酒杯中间,宣告着一个闹剧剧本正在酝酿。Near Grantaire, an almost silent table, a sheet of paper, an inkstand and a pen between two glasses of brandy, announced that a vaudeville was being sketched out.