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饥饿是听不见的。Hunger can be silent.

他饿晕了过去。He fainted from hunger.

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饥饿驱使他去偏巧。Hunger drove him to steal.

笑不像饥饿。Laughter is not like hunger.

这只狗饿得发晕。The dog fainted from hunger.

你饿不饿,我有点饿了。Do you hunger? I feel hungry.

饥饿迫使他犯罪。Hunger impelled him to crime.

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我们都因饥饿而虚弱不堪。We were all weak from hunger.

饥饿已使她两颊消瘦。Hunger had thinned her cheeks.

这些提示线索会使你产生饥饿感。And these cues generate hunger.

可是,在他心中却有极深的属灵渴求。He had a deep spiritual hunger.

那乞丐由于饥饿晕了过去。The beggar fainted from hunger.

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他以果充饥。The fruit appeased his hunger.

幸亏有袁博士,使很多人摆脱了饥饿。Dr Yuan, many people rid hunger.

肚子饿时吃什么都香。Hunger gives relish to any food.

许多人被处绞刑或死于疾病。Many died of hunger and disease.

饥饿迫使他去偷食。They hunger him into submission.

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他挨饿受冻。He suffered from cold and hunger.

那个国家正在闹饥荒。That country suffers from hunger.

饥饿迫使他去偷食。To cause to endure severe hunger.