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东门之池、可以沤菅。The moat at the east gate.

晨星称这种优势为“宽护城河”。Morningstar calls this edge a "wide moat.

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他们在城堡周围修了一条护城河。They built a moat to encompass the castle.

你以为是什么样像棺材地牢或者城壕那样的?When the moat is deep a ladder can be used.

这些手段有助于你翻越城壕。These tools will help you get over the moat.

不要仅使用护城河,而要同时使用护城河和城墙。Don't just use a moat, use a moat and a wall.

黄岩西江河是黄岩老护城河的一部分。Xijiang River is one part of Huangyan old moat.

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防火墙就象是城堡边上的护城河。A firewall is like the moat surrounding a castle.

壕沟非常深,有些地方达到了3米深。The moat is quite deep – up to 3 meters in some places.

我们城市周围的护城河最近被严重污染了。The moat around our city has been seriously polluted recently.

该城址拥有城墙和护城河,另有内外双重围壕。The city site has city wall and moat surround with two ditches.

城门失火,殃及池鱼。A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat.

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隔天这只母鸭带着她的一家人走到壕沟。The next day the mother duck with her family went down to the moat.

在阳光最充足的地方矗立着一栋老旧的大宅邸。In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion surrounded by a deep moat.

我们慢慢地通过宽阔、下面都是水的护城河。Slowly we make our way across a wide, water-filled area called a moat.

你能建的最坚不可摧的护城河是建立在牢固的关系上。The strongest moat you can build is one based on strong relationships.

沿着绍兴广场的护城河北走,没有多远,老街就出现了。Shaoxing Plaza, along the moat to go north, not how far the streets there.

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这样一来,壕中的水干了,姑娘就可以走到果园去了。He closed a head gate so that the moat dried up and she could walk through.

日复一日,漂亮的护城河已经变成一个恶臭的垃圾箱。And day after day, the once beautiful moat has turned into a smelly dustbin.

“救命啊”公主大叫,她陷在了泥泞,长满刺的冰冷的护城河里。"Help" said the princess, who had sunk into the sticky, icky mud in the moat.