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事实上,他们确是两者的化身。In truth, they are inescapably both

这无法逃遁地是一个宗教信仰任务。This is inescapably a religious task.

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一方面,我认为艺术和政治是密不可分的。On the one hand, I believe that art is inescapably political.

虽然电影的魔力可以颠覆现实,但演员们仍逃脱不了自己作为普通人的宿命。Movie magic can defy reality, but actors are inescapably human.

群落类型,作为一个阶级概念,无疑也是一种抽象。A community-type, as a class-concept, is inescapably an abstraction.

在这个世界中许多人都会为它深陷其中不能自拔。In this world many people can for its depth is inescapably involved.

早期基督教徒认为,婚姻受到性爱的污染。Early Christians thought marriage was inescapably tainted by the presence of sex.

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不可避免,你越是把任务分解为简单的步骤,完成这个任务所需的步骤就越多。Inescapably , the more you break a task down into simple steps, the more steps you have to take to accomplish that task.

时空是有弹性的,在我们穿越时空的过程中它会延伸、扭曲,这种说法听起来荒谬,却是无可否认的事实。The fact that space and time are elastic, stretching and warping in synchrony with our passage, is weird, but inescapably true.

受到最直接影响的,是那些住在离污染源最近的地方的居民。可实际上,其间接的影响,任何人都无法避免。Most directly affected are those living nearest to the sources of pollution, but indirectly and inescapably , all of us are touched.

否则,就算自己身上有再丰富的商业价值,也无法逃脱被湖人队下放到发展联盟的结局。Otherwise, even if on the body has the rich commercial value, also releases inescapably by the Laker to the development alliance result.

所以美国制造业的重生,不可避免地与支付美国工人下一代比他们父母更少工资联系一起?So is the rebirth of U. S. manufacturing inescapably linked to paying the next generation of American workers less than their parents made?

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现代计算机应用程学的设计不可避免需要设计和用户交互的系统部件。The design of many modern computer applications inescapably requires the design of some component of the system that interacts with a user.

陷入“上学恐惧症”中不能自拔,乃至要自寻短见的只是极个别例子。Falls into the going to school phobophobia to be inescapably involved, and even must receive death is only the extremely individual example.

故事的主角阿佩正深受其扰,独身的她不幸地对已婚的我们的总经理姓周,一次他打电话来,我正开车,一紧张张口就说。\\\“周总理……\\\”司汤少产诈生不能自拔的爱意。The story lead Arab League wears the depth to harass it, single she cheats love Italy which unfortunately to married boss Tang Shaochan lives is inescapably involved.

第二,隐私与违反隐私不可避免地与权势有关联,权势意味着能够维护自己的隐私同时能够侵犯别人的隐私。Second, privacy and its violation are inescapably issues of power, with power defined as the ability to defend one's own privacy while being able to invade the privacy of others.

法庭应对社会决策时形成的法规也不可避免会政治化,这就是为什么由观念相左而产生分歧的裁决常因为被视作偏袒而驳回。When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it shapes is inescapably political — which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily dismissed as partisan.