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该报告出炉于地球2010年持续炙热的关头。The report comes as the Earth continues to sizzle in 2010.

这种嘶嘶声已经形成了一种文化,紧紧的绑在我们身上。All that sizzle is a cultural artifact and a tie that binds us.

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这个问题足以使你的神经元失火,然后发出咝咝声和冒烟。It's enough to make your neurons misfire , then sizzle and smoke.

漫漫长夏,热浪来袭,你的健身方案能否已被晒“蔫”了?Is your fitness routine wilting in the sizzle of this long, hot summer?

在表面上看艾尔罗伊赢得的是他在情感共鸣中所失去的。What Mr Ellroy gains in surface sizzle he loses in emotional resonance.

要让你们的婚姻保持活力和激情的话,就给爱情之火添柴吧,它会熊熊燃烧的。Feed the fire that keeps marriage alive and passionate, and it will sizzle.

这种实事求是的思想是不会告诉你如何赚快钱的。Such pragmatic thinking lacks the sizzle and punch of get-rich-quick advice.

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在地球上最干燥的这片大陆上,最热的南澳洲被确定为2017年度热门旅游地区。The hottest state on the driest continent on Earth is set to sizzle in 2017.

也许我会被那个角落烤热狗发出的嘶嘶声引诱过去。Maybe I’ll be tempted by the hot sizzle of hot dogs being sold around the corner.

如今那些老练的顾客早就知道嘶嘶声是怎么回事,而且他们每一次都会选择牛排。Sophisticated consumers these days know the sizzle from the steak and prefer the steak every time.

你的身体可能想过一个慵懒的暑假,但是你的大脑会为以下活动而蠢蠢欲动Your body might feel like a lazy summer, but your brain can sizzle with the activities listed below

原来是我10岁的儿子在暖气上撒尿——他喜欢那腾腾的蒸汽和滋滋的响声。My 10 year old son has been peeing on the radiator thinking it was fun to watch it steam and sizzle. FML

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用中-大火在中型煎锅里加热剩下的橄榄油直到一放入菜泥就兹兹响为止。Heat the remaining oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat until hot enough for a drop of the puree to sizzle upon contact.

打开电流,并在很短的时间铜将成为这么热,水,它下降时,会嘶嘶声变成蒸汽了。Turn on the current, and in a short time the copper will become so hot that water, when dropped on it, will sizzle away into steam.

随着全球智能手机持续热销,数月来有关戴尔计划推出智能手机的流言不断。Rumors have been circulating for months that Dell planned to launch a smartphone, as global sales of the devices continue to sizzle.

我们最怕用到地沟油。如果油商在油中掺水,一下锅就劈劈啪啪地响,容易知道。We are most afraid of using drainage oil, because if oil producer mixes in water, it would sizzle and making loud noises when heat up.

哲学,要是要有任何意义的话,你必须以火样的热忱来思考,大脑沸腾,目光灼热,否则你就是不进状态,干脆不要干。Philosophy, to have any meaning at all, must sizzle with passion, boil your brain, fry your eyeballs, or you're just not doing it right.

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仆人们开始工作了,火焰开始燃烧,烤肉开始咝咝作响。一百年的光阴没有改变一切。The servants began to work, the fire began to flame, and the roasting meat began to sizzle. A hundred years had not changed anyone or anything.

人们在一个外形像牛一样的铁板上涂上食用油,然后用煤气把它烧得嘶嘶作响。A cast iron sizzle plate none-too-subtlely shaped like a cow has a heavy slug of oil applied to it before being placed on a ferocious gas flame.

赞酒,倒入上汤后盖上煮数分钟,至熟即洒上炸脆蒜粒,上碟趁热享用。Sizzle the Shaoxing wine, add chicken broth , cover and cook for few minutes until done. Sprinkle deep fried garlic, dish up and serve immediately.