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又或者说是一种不祥的预兆?Or is it an ominous omen?

一种不详的预兆萦绕着他。He was netted by an ill omen.

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那被认为是一种不幸的先兆。It is said to be an omen of misfortune.

这里的风水就是好。The geomantic omen here is just fantastic.

迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆。The superstitious regard it as a bad omen.

唇裂或腭裂并非上天的诅咒,厄运的征兆。A cleft lip or palate is not a curse or omen.

女孩月经肚子疼是怀孕的征兆吗?。Is girl menstruation collywobbles pregnant omen?

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清晰预兆-现在在变形形态下也会被激发。Omen of Clarity ?Can now proc in shapeshift form.

“一个龙后,”提利昂说。“一个令人高兴的预兆。”"A dragon queen, " said Tyrion. "A pleasant omen. "

但是这段运气不好的情节只是将来发生的事件的一个预兆。But the episode served as an omen of things to come.

但是对于有些人而言,日食也被视为不祥之兆。But for others, the eclipse was seen to be a bad omen.

临产前就会出现分娩先兆。Before being in labor, will present the childbirth omen.

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贝卢斯科斯尼说,他认为这四名记者的释放是个好兆头。Berlusconi said he considered it a good omen for the future.

这是我见过的长得最高最密的玉米地,是一个好兆头。It was the tallest and thickest I had ever seen, a good omen.

十周后,那前四场先发更像是个预兆。Ten weeks later, those first four starts seem more like an omen.

使国瑞赢得一份常青的基和恒久的品质。Make the national omen win a evergreen base and constant quality.

撞在所挂的墙上,发出不祥的预兆。Clanged on the wall, where it hung, with a sound of sinister omen.

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一座曾一度休眠的火山不时传来不祥的轰隆隆声这可是个不好的预兆。The ominous rumblings from a once-dormant volcano were a bad omen.

迷信的说法认为看见喜鹊是祥瑞的征兆。Superstitious people believe that the sight of magpie is a good omen.

老人在把颤动的金枪鱼拉上船板以后,心想这可是一个好兆头。Hauling the quivering fish aboard, the old man thought it a good omen.