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西双版纳属亚热带气候。Xishuangbanna has a subtropical climate.

属亚热带季风湿润气候区。A subtropical humid monsoon climate zone.

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副高和干旱高温,风沙气候也有很好关系。Subtropical high has effect with other climate.

全县气候属中亚热带季风气候。County's climate is subtropical monsoon climate.

湖北省属亚热带气候,四季分明。Hubei has a subtropical climate with distinct seasons.

古气候应属亚热带气候。The paleoclimate should belong to the subtropical one.

丘陵地带以下是亚热带的Duars平原。The foothills descend into the subtropical Duars plain.

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梭鱼分布于全球各地的热带和亚热带海域。Barracudas occur in subtropical and tropical oceans worldwide.

影响浣熊的副热带高压脊西北沿于昨晚稍稍东退。The NW edge of the subtropical ridge retreated a bit last night.

洛杉矶有着宜人的亚热带气候以及许多白沙滩。L.A. has a favorable subtropical climate with many white sand beaches.

百日青是南亚热带区系古老的孑遗树种。Podocarpus neriifolius is an ancient subtropical relict flora species.

热带安第斯山脉西坡强下降流期。Episodes of Strong Flow down the Western Slope of the Subtropical Andes.

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武钢工业区园林植物生活型基本符合亚热带气候的生活型谱。The life-form spectrum of garden plants accord with subtropical climate.

卢碧将沿副热带高压脊向东北移动。LUPIT will move NE in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge.

当时为暖热湿润的南亚热带气候。The climate at that time was of a warm and moist southern subtropical type.

莎莉嘉将沿副热带高压脊西北面向东北偏北移动。SARIKA will move NNE in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge.

热带和亚热带的豆科的草本或灌木或乔木的小属。Small genus of tropical and subtropical leguminous herbs or shrubs or trees.

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乌桕大蚕蛾在热带以及东南亚的亚热带森林较为常见。Atlas moths are found in the tropical and subtropical forests of South-East Asia.

娜基莉将横过副热带高压脊的脊线向北后转东北移动。NAKRI will traverse the ridge axis of the steering subtropical ridge and recurve.

台湾的樱花钩吻鲑是唯一生活在亚热带的鲑鱼。The Formosan landlocked salmon is the only salmon to live in a subtropical region.