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她当了三年职业时装模特。She modelled professionally for three years.

斯特林?莫斯和A?J?福伊特都是职业赛车手。Moss and A? J? Foyt race cars professionally.

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我是破坏王,破坏是我的专长。I'm a wrecker. I wreck things. Professionally.

我们的孩子太早接受专业训练了。Our children are trained professionally too early.

我完全可以做得。专业无比。陷阱设好了。I can do this. Professionally. And the trap is set.

原生态能量直饮机的安装很快,很专业。The installation was done quickly and professionally.

斯特林·莫斯和A.J.福依特是职业赛车手。Sterling Moss and A. J. Foyt race cars professionally.

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斯特林?莫斯和A?J?福伊特都是职业赛车手。Sterling Moss and A? J? Foyt race cars professionally.

我们都知道工作场合的着装确实会影响个人的职业发展,那么该如何让自己看起来更职业化、更受老板待见呢?Here are four tips for dressing professionally on the job

我们在私底下以及工作上都比较了解。so I knew him both personally and I knew him professionally.

凯蒂哈泽一直担任专业超过20年的职业演员。Cathy Haase has been acting professionally for over 20 years.

如果您通过熟练,也许你会发挥专业。If you pass proficiently, perhaps you'll play professionally.

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山体里的两条隧道都被专业地掩藏起来。Both of the tunnels in the mountain were professionally masked.

他的儿子们似乎没有一点想要当职业演员的迹象。His boys show no signs as yet of wanting to act professionally.

我从没遇到过内行的或是善于交际的人。I have never met anybody either professionally or socially that says.

我从事专业的音乐演出已经很多年,包括独奏和乐队演出。I played music professionally for many years, both solo and in bands.

以最好的饭菜,每天1克,或作为专业的规定。Take 1g per day preferably with meals, or as professionally prescribed.

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你正在专业地或是亲自做事情,或者既专业又是躬亲。You're working things through, professionally or personally, or even both.

我现在已经打了39年,其中30种专业的吉他。I have now been playing the guitar for 39 years, 30 of them professionally.

如果要找专业的涂装师重做漆面将要花很多钱。It would cost thousands of dollars have the guitars professionally refinished.