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这次不同,黛比。This is different, Debbie.

你最近看到黛比了吗?Have you seen Debbie lately?

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黛比和赛蒙都是学生。Debbie and Simon are students.

黛比在爬梯上面。Debbie is on the climbing bars.

戴比和史蒂夫相处得不好。Debbie doesn't get along with Steve.

有请James和。Debbie So-- James and Debbie, please.

黛比和赛蒙正在餐馆里。Debbie and Simon are in a restaurant.

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当太阳落山的时候,我带戴比回家。When the sun set, I took Debbie home.

寻找它们将会让戴比很开心。Debbie will have fun looking for them.

“我可以推你吗,戴比?”布莱恩问道。"Can I give you a push, Debbie?" asks Brian.

这个女人把她的一室公寓租给了戴比。The woman rented her one-room flat to Debbie.

黛比计划每两小时休息一下。Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours.

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戴比从一个爱大笑不止的女人那儿租了一套公寓。Debbie rented a flat from a woman who laughs a lot.

戴比在一家小小的工艺店工作。Debbie works in a little hole-in-the-wall craft shop.

一天,杨先生和黛比展开了一次友好的讨论。One day, Mr Yang had a friendly argument with Debbie.

黛比和她的朋友安吉拉正在电视演播厅Debbie and her friend Angela were in a television studio

参议员戴比·施塔贝诺是农业委员会负责人。Senator Debbie Stabenow heads the Agriculture Committee.

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黛比和她的朋友安吉拉正在电视演播厅Debbie and her friend Angela were in a television studio

赛蒙喜欢看令人激动的电影,而黛比则更喜欢看自然生态电影。Simon like exciting films,but Debbie prefers nature films.

我一月加入,Debbie二月加入。So again, I got there in January, Debbie came in February.