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在随后的几年里,福图纳陷入一种被剥夺了知觉的疯狂状态。Fortuna endured the madness of an existence deprived of senses for years.

在最终电影里,这个议会“福图纳”没有出现。In the finished film, this senatorial "Fortuna" did not appear on screen.

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风帆游船被毁时,福图纳在私人小艇里逃过一劫。Fortuna escaped the destruction of the sail barge in a small private skiff.

尽管只是一个被泡在行走罐子里的脑子,但福图纳还是战胜了奥兰。Despite being just a brain in an ambulatory jar, Fortuna was able to defeat Olan.

福图纳经常向其肥硕的主人送礼,谄媚他。Fortuna often curried favor with his bloated master by presenting him with gifts.

在幸运饼干发明由查尔斯荣在1918年在美国。Las galletas de la fortuna fueron inventadas en america por Charles Jung en 1918.

介绍天河夜总会,金色时代夜总会及新帝濠夜总会。Introduce Fortuna Night Club, Skylight Night-Club Macau and New Emperor Night Club.

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在奥兰身份的掩护下,福图纳开始大张旗鼓地重返黑社会。Armed with Olan's identity, Fortuna began making a strident return to the criminal underworld.

他运用布奥马的技术把自己的脑子转入奥兰的肉体。福图纳重获新生。He employed the B'omarr techniques to transfer his brain into Olan's body, and Fortuna was able to live again.

这些僧侣希望传播无肉身启蒙的轻安,强迫福图纳接受他们的外科手术仪式。The monks, wishing to spread the serenity of bodiless enlightenment, subjected Fortuna to their ritual surgery.

福图纳虽然看似取得了胜利,但很快遭到居住在宫殿里的布奥马僧侣的突袭。Though Fortuna appeared to be the victor, he was soon descended upon by the mysterious B'omarr monks who lived in the palace.

福图纳单干了很多年,直到赫特人贾巴用一大笔佣金雇佣他为自己走私香料为止。Fortuna freelanced for a number of years, until Jabba the Hutt approached him to smuggle spice on contract for a healthy commission.

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这时会有更多的意大利语的“祝您好运”四下响起。在汽轮到来的同时,神父开始组织神圣的宗教游行。这出戏就这样继续下来。More cries of "Buona fortuna ". The priest organizes holy processions to coincide with the arrival of the steamer. And so the play goes on.

附设友谊免税商店、友谊食品洋酒专营店、欧米奇西餐厅以及二楼富丽华新杏花邨美食广场。The hotel possesses of Friendship Duty Free & Tax Free Shop , Friendship Food & Imported Liquor Shop, Amici restaurant and New Fortuna Food Plaza.

另一个苍白面孔的提列克人由阿兰·鲁斯科扮演,出现在议员奥恩·弗里·塔同一个议会席位上。Another pale-faced Twi'lek, nicknamed "Bib Fortuna" during production, was played by Alan Ruscoe and shared a senate pod with Senator Orn Free Taa.

位于加利福尼亚北部城镇弗图纳的警方称,他们在收到一条关于绑架的消息后,于星期三晚上找到了女孩。Police in the northern California town of Fortuna said they located the girl Wednesday night after receiving information about a possible kidnapping.

福图纳随同贾巴的风帆游艇乘客来到卡孔大坑,在那里,天行者营救汉·索洛的义举为这个犯罪帝国画上了华丽的句号。Fortuna accompanied Jabba's sail barge party to the Great Pit of Carkoon, where Skywalker's daring rescue of Han Solo brought the criminal empire to a fiery end.

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提到米盖里就不能不提1979年欧洲优胜者杯决赛,那场比赛米盖里带着断裂的锁骨恶战杜塞尔多夫。Never one to shirk a tackle, he played in the 1979 European Cup Winners Cup final against Fortuna Dusseldorf with a broken collar bone, probably just for a laugh.

在连续剧中,哥伦比亚女演员柴培·法图娜饰演角色“哥伦比亚”,其在片中的妹妹名为“委内瑞拉”,她有一只小狗叫“小乌戈”,与委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯同名。Chepe Fortuna stars a character called Colombia, while her sister is named Venezuela and owns a dog called Little Hugo, the same name as Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.

廉租房作为解决城镇低收入居民住房问题的主要方式,从全社会的角度来说是一种社会财富的再分配,即利益再分配,只有全社会中的所有中低收入居民共同参与的分配,才是公平的分配。If we stand on the position of society, we will know that lowest renting house is a system for the Fortuna assigning. It will be as the assignment equity excepting the high level worker participant.