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沃尔特斜睨着眼找椅子,但是没找到。Walter squints vainly for a chair.

他试图除去有损外观的污迹,但没有成功。He vainly tried to mark the defacing stain out.

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他梦想步行周游世界。He vainly hope to travel round the world on foot.

他在后面紧追不舍,总想打到我。He took off after me, vainly trying to land a blow.

那就让爱的愁眼,徒然地因着盼望而流泪。Then let the sad eyes of love vainly watch and weep.

如果。梦没有尽头。永远等待。Parhaps. Dream has no end, i wait vainly for you forever.

观看比赛时,我徒劳地试图用录音电话把它记录下来。I vainly tried to record it on my Dictaphone, at the match.

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格劳科斯徒然地竭力安慰着垂头丧气的伊俄涅。Glaucus vainly endeavored to cheer the exhausted spirits of Ione.

那参议员跟着她,喊了三四声“珍妮!The Senator followed, vainly calling three or four times "Jennie!"

成就你我梦想,创造卓越康佳!The achievement you I vainly hoped for, creation remarkable Kang Jia!

李哲听罢,又见约雪姬无望,于是要求也住在公寓里。Li Zhe listens, he saw Yuexue Ji vainly asked, also lived in the apartment.

绝望中,你浪迹天涯,在虚无的快乐中寻找幸福。In your despair you wander about vainly seeking contentment in empty pleasure.

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“真是很开心,”她一边回答,一边实在没能忍住,打了老大一个哈欠。"Very agreeable indeed, " she replied, vainly endeavouring to hide a great yawn.

他又看见了那从那狭窗口透进来的微弱的光线。He again beheld the dull light vainly endeavoring to penetrate the narrow opening.

教廷的队长曾白费力气地试图说服妻子留下不去。The papal captain have vainly endeavoured to induce his wife to remain behind him.

是那颗星把你送过来的吧,还是梦想的羽翼早就生长在你的肩膀?Is that star delivers you, vainly hoped for the wing already grows in yours shoulder?

人类为了寻找食物而大迁徙并试图过着动物一样的生活。Humans migrate in search of food and try vainly to live like the animals off the land.

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反动政府枉费心机地企图削弱这场抗议运动。The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement.

海呀,你这狂风雨的孤寂的新妇呀,你虽掀起波浪追随你的情人,但是无用呀。Thou raisest thy waves vainly to follow thy lover, O sea, thou lonely bride of the storm.

我梦想着我的父母永远年轻,变回那乌黑浓密的头发。I was vainly hoping for my parents are forever young, changes that pitch-black thick hair.