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酒体呈石榴红色,芳香柔和精美,带有红果和香辛料的味道。The nose is supple, delicate, with red fruits and spiciness.

呈现良好的黑胡椒及丁香的气味。The nose shows black pepper and cloves aromas, with good spiciness.

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韩国食物最显著的特点就是味道辛辣。The most distinguishing feature of the Korean food is the spiciness.

不喜欢黄姜粉味道的人可能会觉得味道有点重。People not used to the spiciness of masala may find it a little strong.

这款辛香和果香型的葡萄酒是搭配亚洲菜的理想选择。Spiciness as well as fruitiness make for an ideal pairing with Asian Cuisines.

酒精煮干了,香料除去了酒的所有味道。The alcohol boils away, and the spiciness ought to obliterate any taste of the wine.

尽管我喜欢辣椒和辣味的食物,但是辣味家族的那些味道总是让我纠结。Though I love chilli and spiciness I've always struggled with this family of flavours.

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辣是疼痛的代名词,它是舌头上痛觉感受器激活的结果。The sensation of spiciness is the result of the activation of pain receptors in the tongue.

加一些杏仁可以减轻黄姜粉的辣味,使这道菜带有一点点甜酸味。Adding apricots gives it a mild sweet-and-sour taste, balancing the spiciness of the masala.

首当其冲那种呼之欲出的甜美夹杂着浓重的树脂辛辣气味是令人难以忘怀的。The first rush of effervescent sweetness paired with the dark balsamic spiciness is quite memorable.

极富特色的黑醋栗、黑樱桃果酱与淡淡的香料味令其口味颇为平衡。Characteristic fruitiness with balanced flavors of currants, jammy blackberries and hints of spiciness.

又如酸、甜、苦、辣、腥等味道会麻木我们的口味、舌蕾,使我们再也品尝不出清淡的香甜。Sour, sweet, bitter, spiciness and fishiness numb our taste bud so that we can't taste the light sweet.

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酸、甜、苦、辣、腥等麻木我们的口味、舌蕾,再也品尝不出清淡的香甜。Sour, sweet, bitter, spiciness and fishiness numb our taste bud so that we cannot taste the light sweet.

辣是疼痛的代名词,它是舌头上痛觉感受器激活的结果。Spicy means pain.The sensation of spiciness is the result of the activation of pain receptors in the tongue.

浓厚的深红色酒体,散发出精致而清淡的果香,些许辛辣和淡淡的烘烤芳香。Offering a very dense, dark red robe. The nose, fine and lightly fruity, reveals some spiciness with light, toasty notes.

有着令人愉悦的香气和浓郁成熟多汁的红色水果的味道,淡淡的水果味和橡木丹宁回味细腻悠长。Huge, ripe, juicy red fruit flavors, with an exciting spiciness and a perfect long smooth finish of soft fruits and wood tannin.

把辣椒的酒精提取液用糖水逐渐稀释,直到品尝不出辣味。An alcohol-based pepper extract is progressively diluted in sugar water and tasted until its spiciness can no longer be discerned.

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辣子鸡,用的是干辣椒和花生,辣度让人满意,美味之余香气也十足,适合喜欢吃辣的朋友。Stir-fried Diced Chicken with Dried Red Chili and Peanut, added spiciness and aroma to the dish, its suits for those chili lovers.

富有橡木香的深梅红色酒体,华丽的起泡串串结伴上行,微带辛辣的炖果味。Deep plum red with gorgeous bubbles foaming up, followed on the nose by hints of vanillin oak with spiciness of stewed summer fruits.

韩国食品行业为因应国际顾客的口味需求,答应把苦椒酱或称韩国辣椒酱,区分为五种辣度标准。The Korean food industry has agreed to five standard levels of spiciness for gochujang, or Korean chili paste, for international customers.