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拜仁在寻找一个边路防守球员。Bayern Munchen is looking for a defensive wing.

德国杯止步于四分之一决赛。FC Bayern DFB Cup campaign ended in the quarterfinals.

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我们的球队比拜仁强,就如同我们今晚证明的一样。The team was much stronger than Bayern as we proved this evening.

我离开拜仁之后,里贝里还一直和我保持着联系。He has been one of my best friends since the time I was at Bayern.

“可是,这”彩排“并不顺利。拜仁上周六以1-0输给了亚琛。Bayern lost Saturday's Bundesliga match 1-0 to Aachen at the Tivoli.

在拜仁的地平线上,贝肯鲍尔这次只有一丝阴霾。Beckenbauer sees only one small cloud on the Bayern horizon this term.

那座老钟被当做一堆废铁卖掉了,被送到了德国的拜恩州。The old bell was sold as a lump of metal and sent to Bayern in Germany.

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拜仁主帅路易•范•加尔对弗格森的话做出了简短回应。His comments drew a terse response from the Bayern coach, Louis van Gaal.

你想想看,这是在拜恩州,这里有如此多的政治问题以及暗斗。You expect this at Bayern where there's so much politics and in-fighting.

拜仁从一开始就占据主动,创造一个又一个机会。Bayern took the initiative from the start and created chance after chance.

甚至拜仁的经理乌利-赫内斯打电话给我,并祝贺我在场上的表现。Even Bayern manager Uli Hoeness phoned me and congratulated me on my game.

卧薪尝胆一年之后,拜仁用一场胜利宣告了自己的回归。One year after the hardships, Bayern with a victory in his return declared.

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托特纳姆热刺,拜仁,慕尼黑,米兰,美国,国际。Tottenham Hotspur, Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, Club America, Internacional.

作为结果,拜仁应该应该紧紧抓住克洛泽直到找到一个好的替换人选。As a result, Bayern should tie Klose down until they find a good replacement.

皇马客场2-1击败奥萨苏纳后蝉联西甲冠军,拜仁慕尼黑战平沃尔夫斯堡后锁定德甲头名。Bayern Munich secured its Bundesliga title after a 0-0 draw at VfL Wolfsburg.

我想鲁梅尼格,贝肯鲍尔,拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部都不会去自杀吧。I don't think that Rummenigge, Beckenbauer and Bayern Munich committed suicide.

拜仁慕尼黑已经加入对塞维利亚边翼克拉西奇的争夺。Bayern Munich have joined the race for highly coveted Serbia winger Milos Krasic.

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看来周三对拜仁的次回合比赛,曼联得好好找找自己新的动力源了。United now have to rediscover their dynamism for Wednesday's rematch with Bayern.

他曾为埃因霍温,切尔西和皇家马德里效力,现在在拜仁慕尼黑踢球。He has played for PSV, Chelsea, Real Madrid and currently plays for Bayern Munich.

拜仁慕尼黑在德国联赛只是排名第四,而且已经在德国杯出局。Bayern Munich are only fourth in the League in Germany and are out of the German Cup.