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海迪在伦敦幸福吗?Was Heidi happy in London?

海蒂回到杉树那里。Heidi returned to the fir-trees.

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朱宏,海蒂究竟让你去办什么事儿?Goodspeed, what did Heidi ask of you?

但有一次,我想象着海蒂来看我。But once I imagined Heidi visiting me.

海蒂·克拉姆1973年生于德国。Heidi Klum was born in Germany in 1973.

海蒂希望我陪她一起去参加葬礼。Heidi wanted me to go with her to the funeral.

海蒂和克拉拉保持着通信联系。Heidi and Clara continue to write to each other.

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这个时候海蒂仍然盯着山羊看个没完。Heidi the while still continued to watch the goats.

我听见了海蒂清晰的呼吸声,但她什么也没有说。I heard Heidi breathe deeply, but she said nothing.

在海岸上我们想到了瓦尔顿一家和海蒂。Think The Waltons crossed with Heidi – on the coast.

每一天,我都想象着自己去温哥华看海蒂。And every day I imagined visiting Heidi in Vancouver.

我怎么觉得在把海蒂往朱宏怀里推呢?Why do I feel I'm helping Goodspeed to win Heidi over?

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海蒂跑上前向他们问好。Heidi ran forward to wish good-morning to him and the goats.

歌手蕾哈娜和名模海蒂•克拉姆也榜上有名。Singer Rihanna and supermodel Heidi Klum also made the list.

海蒂去温哥华参加她妈妈的葬礼了,我没有去。Heidi went to Vancouver for her mother's funeral. I didn't go.

“我们爬到那上面,去看看他家在哪里!”海蒂提议说。"Let us climb up there and see where his nest is," proposed Heidi.

作为代理房东,海蒂是得到爱莎的全权委托的。As our temporary landlady, Heidi has full authority over this house.

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帕丽斯·希尔顿和道格·瑞恩哈特参加海蒂·克拉姆的万圣节派对。Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt arrive at Heidi Klum's Halloween party.

一个德国公司表示已经开始做以海蒂为原型的玩具。A German firm has reportedly already begun making stuffed toys of Heidi.

海蒂俏皮地做扫射状,蔡和郑配合地倒下。Heidi pretends to shoot around, Tsai and Cheng fall down in cooperation.