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我们叫它无质量绳。We call that a massless string.

我们叫它无质量弹簧。Let's call it a massless spring.

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实际上,避振器的弹簧具有质量。In fact, the spring of the absorber is not massless.

它遵循胡克定律,几乎是无质量的。It obeys Hooke's Law, and it is also nearly massless.

在所有这样的题目里都假设绳子没有质量In all these examples, this rope is assumed to be massless.

比如,由于引力的作用范围是无限的,那引力子应该是无质量的。For example, it should be massless since the range of gravity is infinite.

你们有个三角物体,它们由无质量棒相接。So you have three point masses, and they are connected with massless rods.

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现在,石墨薄膜中没有质量的狄拉克准粒子带来了希望。The massless Dirac quasiparticles in graphene have now come to the rescue.

它是连接到一个无质量的绳子在一个无摩擦的表挂表的质量。It is attached to a mass hanging off the table by a massless rope over a frictionless table.

中微子和假想的引力子也是无质量粒子,它们也以与光相同的速度运动。Neutrinos and the hypothetical gravitons , also massless particles, move at the same speed as light.

标准模型中是不存在轻子味破缺过程的,因为中微子没有质量。There is no lepton flavor violating process in the Standard Model, because of the massless neutrino.

所以无质量的物体,比如这个绳子,两边所受的力永远都相等So, massless bodies will always have, like a massless rope, equal and opposite forces on the two ends.

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所以没有质量的物体不会受到力,因为绳子的加速度不可能是无穷大So, a massless body cannot have a net force on it, because the acceleration of the rope cannot be infinite.

假设滑轮,完全没有质量和摩擦,而细绳也没有质量。The pulley has no mass the pulley is completely frictionless and the string has no mass-- it's a massless string.

一个无质量的绳子缠在一个半径为12厘米的空心圆柱上,其中心轴固定在一个水平位置。A massless rope is wrapped around a hollow cylinder of radius 12 cm whose central axis is fixed in a horizontal position.

没有质量的粒子,包括光子﹑电磁辐射的量子,等等,已在8-8节有所叙述。Massless particles, including photons, the quanta of electromagnetic radiation, and others, were mentioned in Section 8-8

我们研究了在有边界的时空中两能级原子与无质量标量场的相互作用。We study a two-level atom in interaction with a real massless scalar quantum field in a spacetime with a reflecting boundary.

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它们的质量非常接近零,因此,即使在中等能量下,我们也希望它们以光速传播。They are very nearly massless and thus, even at moderate energies, we’d expect them to travel essentially at the speed of light.

这反映了无质量BTZ黑洞可能是一种与原始无旋转BTZ黑洞不同的相。This special property reflects that the massless BTZ black hole is a different phase from that of the generic non rotating BTZ hole.

整个想法在第19世纪自从光被认为是无质量的、不受引力影响以来得到很少的关注。The whole idea gained little attention in the 19th century, since light was thought to be a massless wave, not influenced by gravity.