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完美主义容易引起拖拉。Perfectionism stirs procrastination.

除去你拖延的缺陷。Eliminate your procrastination pit-stops.

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耽搁是机遇的行刺者。Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.

拖延症是试着长胡子。Procrastination is trying to grow mustache.

拖延症是重新摆放家具。Procrastination is re-arranging your furniture.

但无论如何,拖沓是可以克服的。Whatever it is, procrastination can be overcome.

恐惧和拖沓是成功的两大要敌。Fear and procrastination are major enemies to success.

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财务数据输入最忌讳的就是拖沓。Procrastination is the enemy of accounting data input.

这是否意味着拖延是一个存在主义的问题?Does this mean procrastination is an existential issue?

推延是掩埋您庶獗能最佳的体例。Procrastination is the best way to bury your potential.

拖延就是这种逃避和自我欺骗的一种形式。We rationalize our procrastination with self-deception.

拖延的确极大的损坏了我们和他人。Procrastination does tremendous damage to us and others.

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对拖延现象我们是再熟悉不过了。We are all familiar with the procrastination phenomenon.

或者是影响你让你变得懒散和拖延症?Or do they drag you down with slackness and procrastination?

拖延就是这种逃避和自我欺骗的一种形式。Procrastination is a form of this escape and self-deception.

畏难心理进而导致拖延,最后使我们毫无进展。Fear leads to procrastination and ends us keeping us stagnant.

拖延症是花30分钟去找一支对的笔。Procrastination is spending 30 mins looking for the right pen.

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第三种信念通常会导致自怨自怜,和拖拉。The third belief often leads to self-pity and procrastination.

完美主义是拖延的一个最大的原因。Perfectionism is one of the biggest reasons for procrastination.

工作可能是最有害的拖延形式之一。Work can be one of the most pernicious forms of procrastination.