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运货车需要加油吗?Does the car need topping up?

坡地上树木高耸排成行。a row of tall trees topping the downs

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浇头面板略微复杂一点。The topping panel is a bit more complicated.

直接涂于奶油表面或裱花。Brush directly directly on cream topping of for piping.

最后淋上草莓酱装饰就登登登登!Finish it off with strawberry sauce as topping and voila!

服务员不停地走来走去,把酒杯斟满。The waiter were constantly on the move , topping up glasses.

这还都是在倒上黄油口味的浇汁之前。And all this is before you pour on the butter-flavored topping.

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建筑物落成典礼仪式的起源可以追溯到异教徒时代。The origins of the topping out ceremony go back to pagan times.

入烤箱不盖盖继续烤15-20分钟,直到表面金黄。Bake, uncovered, for 15- 20 minutes or until topping is browned.

这一风俗也要追溯到阿尔伯特亲王时代。The custom of topping a tree also goes back to Prince Alberts time.

据了解,40岁以上的长期吸烟者是肺癌的最高危人群。Regular smokers above 40 years old are topping the high-risk groups.

浇头按钮的侦听器只是稍微复杂一点。The listener for the topping buttons is only a bit more complicated.

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托我的节日愿望清单今年是高清从菌种实验室720。Topping my holiday wish list this year is an HD-720 from Spawn Labs.

后来,这个游乐园第一个拥有了300和400英尺高的云霄飞车。The park later became the first with coasters topping 300- and 400-feet.

排在AHIP计划清单榜首的就是“行政简化”——这家游说团体终于让步了。Topping the list of AHIP’s proposals was “administrative simplification.”

安吉路咖啡的金枪鱼土豆沙拉有拌特别的酱。The Andrew cafe's Tuna salad with potato has a very special sauce topping.

懒洋洋,和空气一样轻,甜点打顶不能没有它。Decadent yet light as air, it just isn't dessert without this rich topping.

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在战术换弹匣,你是用新的弹匣加满你的枪。In a tactical reload, you are "topping off" your gun with a fresh magazine.

道琼斯指数越过9600点,在就业数据上高达9633点。The Dow Jones index crossed the 9600 mark topping at 9633 on the jobs data.

昂贵的配料通常是蟹肉和蟹黄。The more luxurious versions often have crab meat and a topping of crab roe.