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又一次,杰维斯默默地顺从了。Again, Jervis silently obeyed.

杰维斯湾号很快就被击沉,船上的190名船员也与其共同葬身海底。The Jervis Bay was quickly sunk with the loss of 190 of her crew.

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杰维斯贝号牺牲了,那三十八艘船却因此而有三十三艘得以及时逃脱。Jervis Bay's sacrifice bought enough time for all but five of the 38 ships to escape.

在杰维斯湾吃午饭时,一只座头鲸懒洋洋地游上来,喷着水珠,摇晃尾鳍。At lunchtime in Jervis Inlet, a humpback whale surfaced lazily, spouting and waving a fin.

亨利街分店离Jervis中心只有一箭之遥,但地理位置更佳。The Henry Street branch is only a stone's throw from the Jervis Centre and enjoys a much better location.

杰维斯还表示,奎因在任职期间将主要精力放在为年轻人提供追求音乐的机会。Central to Monsignor Quinn’s ministry was providing musical opportunities to young people, Father Jervis said.

在声明中Debenhams说,他们通过将Jervis街和亨利街商店进行整合,已经设法把失业降到最低限度。In a statement, Debenhams said it had endeavoured to minimise job losses by integrating the Jervis Street and Henry Street stores.

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平平淡淡才是真,幸福掩饰在生活微妙琐碎的小事中,慢慢咀嚼,才品其之真味。Flat faint is true, the well-being to cover up the delicate trivial little things in life, the chew slowly before the Jervis their goods.

一枚炮弹打中杰维斯贝号驶驾台,把费根的右臂也炸得骨肉碎裂,但他还是知不能战而战,继续打了三小时,终于和杰维斯贝号一起沉下海底。A shell hit the Jervis Bay's bridge, shattering Fegen's right arm, but he continued the hopeless fight for three hours, and eventually went down with his ship.

从Debenhams在2006年接手Roches商店并以Debenhams的名义对九个店铺进行品牌再造以来,Jervis街商店的前途一直不太看好。The future of the Jervis Street store has been in doubt since Debenhams took over Roches Stores in 2006 and rebranded nine of its stores with the Debenhams name.