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山顶矗立罗星塔。Peak towering Romanian Star Tower.

他为非作歹,罪恶滔天。He has committed many towering crimes.

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像巍峨绝顶的层层深蓝云峰。Like towering peaks of dark-blue clouds.

全园林木葱郁,古松参天。All wood lush gardens, towering old pines.

该市由高山环抱。The city is beset with towering mountains.

在远处一座巍峨的高山隐约可见。In the distance loomed a towering mountain.

户田先生是广宣流布的伟大领袖。Mr Toda was a towering leader of kosen-rufu.

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建筑基地被高层住宅围绕着。The site is surrounded by towering residences.

敬请认准矗立牌垫块成型机!Please look for towering licensing Pad machine!

傍晚,这座高山越发显得崔巍。After sunset, this mountain seems more towering.

我知道这一切是因为我们身边的这位巨人。I know this because of the man towering over us.

我们要好好看看那矗立在远处的西敏寺。Abbey that you see towering in the distance there.

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小溪边高耸的尤加利树丛当中。By the creek, among the towering Eucalyptus trees.

当一阵阵微风吹过高高的峭壁陡崖。What is that which the breeze o'er the towering steep.

被爆料上酒店,孙耀威气不过,打算控告周刊。Eric is in a towering rage and plans to sue that weekly.

那个凶恶的罪犯这些日子犯了滔天大罪。The cruel criminal committed towering crimes these days.

有些只是大,而有些则是完全峥嵘。Some are simply large, while others are utterly towering.

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他站在那儿,忽然变得极其高大,凌驾于他们之上。There he stood, grown suddenly tall, towering above them.

两声突出的铙钹将动荡的乐曲结束在G小调。Two towering cymbal crashes end the cataclysm in G minor.

连续的高浪卷走了无数的人。A series of towering waves swept away thousands of people.