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他能凭记忆背诵那一首诗。He has conned the poems by rote.

他们说,哦,这是死记硬背啊。They say, oh, this is rote learning.

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死记文法规则是没有用的。It is useless to learn grammatical rules by rote.

在学习上,死记硬背是一种低效的方法。Rote memorization is an inefficient way to learn.

本文的重点是研究这种编码方法及其差错率。A study of this encoding and its error rote cs emphasized here.

亚洲的教育还是很沉闷,靠死记硬背而且负担重。Education in Asia is still too stifling, rote and high-pressured.

唯一的一次强制演讲也成了机械背诵练习。The one mandatory speech class became an exercise in rote memorization.

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他从来不愿意出现一种关系,里面尽是死记硬背式的祈祷,墨守陈规,和公式一样的东西。He doesn’t want a relationship of rote prayers, rule keeping and formulas.

也许,中国的教育体制确实是过于注重死记硬背的学习方法。It may be true that rote learning is over-emphasized in Chinese education.

新课程将更注重培养学生解决问题而非死记硬背的能力。And a new curriculum will focus more on problem-solving than rote learning.

中国还提高了入学率,走出了填鸭式教学的定式。China has also expanded school access, and moved away from learning by rote.

学校团体将其中的建议认为是反对机械式学习的号召。School districts read its recommendations as a call to reject rote learning.

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一部分概念与机械性工作有关,另外一部分与创造性工作有关。Some teams are assigned to rote work, and others are assigned to creative work.

施院长说,新课程将更注重培养学生解决问题而非死记硬背的能力。And a new curriculum will focus more on problem-solving than rote learning, Shi says.

“科学还没决定呢。”他答道,毫无疑问这话是死记硬背下来糊弄人的。"Science has not yet determined, " he replied, undoubtedly having learned the phrase by rote.

在足够的练习后我们当然可以关闭大脑凭靠机械的记忆来弹奏钢琴。We can certainly shut our brains off and play the piano from rote memory after enough practice.

但教育专家表示,台湾在数学方面的领先主要源于学生的机械式学习。But education experts said Taiwan's lead in maths was mainly due to its students' rote learning.

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所有动乱中留存下来的一个传统就是对死记硬背的反复强调。One feature that has survived all the upheaval is the traditional emphasis on rote memorization.

他死记硬背的学习方法使他在工作中不能灵活处理问题。His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly.

老师不能再要求学生照传统的方式,也就是死记及听讲来学习。Teachers can no longer expect their students to learn the old-fashioned ways ─ by rote and lecture.