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媒体的造谣变得制度化了。Media disinformation has become institutionalized.

这里中共的虚假情报成分好象更多一些。This seems to be more Chicom disinformation more than anything else.

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齐塔人能否告诉我们Elenin彗星是否是用来转移注意力的虚假情报?Could the Zetas tell us if Comet Elenin is disinformation and a diversion?

毫无疑问,NED传授了CIA臭名远扬的“假情报”战术给世维会。The NED has certainly taught the WUC well the CIA's notorious "disinformation" tactics.

俄国防部指出关于轰炸机场的消息并不属实。The Russian Defense Ministry dismissed claims of the airport bombing as disinformation.

一些用来欺骗以色列媒体的假情报也是准备工作的一部分。Preparations involved disinformation and deception which kept Israel's media in the dark.

解密的电文被用于支持有关伊朗大规模杀伤性武器的假新闻活动。The leaked cables are used to feed the disinformation campaign concerning Iran's Weapons of Mass Destruction.

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阿诺深知赫特人不可信任,因此利用他们向新共和国军方传递虚假的情报。Knowing full well the Hutts were untrustworthy, Anor used them to sew disinformation into the New Republic ranks.

我所遇到的危地马拉人知道,自己通过新闻媒体听到的消息,可能是歪曲行动的一部分。The Guatemalans I met knew that the stories they heard through the news media might be part of disinformation campaigns.

伊苏列塔知道,情报人员以前靠散布假情报推翻过一个危地马拉的民选政府。Izurieta knew that intelligence operators had previously deployed disinformation to topple a democratically elected government in Guatemala.

具有讽刺意味的是,随着最新一次的“假情报战役”越来越复杂,对真相的追求更紧迫。The irony, though, is that this latest "campaign of disinformation", while growing more sophisticated, clings tightly to its facile notions.

普氏还是保留了一部分不法且隐蔽的前苏联式的情报活动,比如释放虚假情报,称为“主动手法”。Primakov retained some nefarious covert Soviet intelligence practices, such as the disinformation campaigns that were called "active measures.

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普氏还是保留了一部分不法且隐蔽的前苏联式的情报活动,比如释放虚假情报,称为“主动手法”。Primakov retained some nefarious covert Soviet intelligence practices, such as the disinformation campaigns that were called "active measures."

更具讽刺意味的是,一直推进媒体造谣的维基解密的合作者纽约时报,现在被控为共谋。In a bitter irony, Wikileaks partner The New York Times, which has consistently promoted media disinformation is now being accused of conspiracy.

引发7.5骚乱的关键因素的确是这样一个不断被德国世维会头目发布在国际维吾尔网络论坛上的“假情报”。A key trigger for the July 5 riot was indeed such a "disinformation" posting on an international Uyghur internet group by a WUC leader in Germany.

许多人把这种误解归结于这是场有政治动机的信息误导战,目的是为了获得在伊拉克采取军事行动的支持。Many people have attributed such misconceptions to a politically motivated disinformation campaign to engender support for the armed struggle in Iraq.

如果是的话,这场反对媒体造假的战争如何能够得到媒体造假的设计者的参与和协作呢?If so, how can this battle against media disinformation be waged with the participation and collaboration of the corporate architects of media disinformation?

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莫斯科的间谍头目认为他们无法确认自己是否被虚假信息所误导。Moscow's spymasters argued that they could not be sure they were not having disinformation deliberately fed to them, with the intention of misleading the KGB.

为了避免谈论到X星的存在,并在任何即将到来的极移引起的事件上散播故意的虚假情报,权势集团促进了重冰理论。To avoid talking about the presence of Planet X, and to spread disinformation on any pending pole shift cause, the establishment promoted the heavy ice theory.

巴尔牵头精心炮制了一份后来声名狼藉的24页幻灯演示文档,呼吁发动一场散布假情报的网络战役来对抗维基泄密。Barr took the lead in crafting what would become an infamous 24-slide PowerPoint presentation that called for a cyber-campaign of disinformation against WikiLeaks.