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十七年前我死于新滹。Seventeen years ago I died in Niigata.

她已不记得她前生在新滹的一切。She did not remember her previous existence in Niigata.

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很久以前,新舄有一位名叫长尾长生的人。Long, long ago, there lived a man in the town of Niigata.

田中真纪子现年57岁,出生在新泻县。Ms. Tanaka is a 57-year-old politician from Niigata prefecture.

中国东航每周在上海和新泻机场之间有四架航班。China Eastern has four flights between Shanghai and Niigata every week.

很久以前,新舄有一位名叫长尾长生的人。Long, long ago, there lived a man in the town of Niigata. His name was Chosei Nagao.

问题是「新潟夏季秘点是见到甚麽的山?」The question was, "During the summer, what can we see at the mountain where we visited in Niigata?"

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最壮观的建筑物沉降发生在1964年的日本新泻地震中。The most spectacular example of bearing-strength failures took place during the 1964 Niigata , Japan, earthquake.

横跨中日俄三国的日本联运航线通航仪式在日本新潟港举行。The navigation ceremony of the shipping line across China, Japan and Russian took place in Niigata Port in Japan.

一个62岁的老妇人被发现死在第四次撤离地区附近的新泻县,她们全家刚搬到那里。A 62-year-old woman was found frozen to death in Niigata Prefecture near the fourth evacuation site her family had moved to.

利用日本新泻地区的X波段全极化数据进行验证,表明该方法具有良好的检测性能。Finally, the performance of this new approach is validated by the X-band full polarimetric SAR data in Niigata area of Japan.

古代新滹地区的民间传说中,某日,一群妇女正在纺纱时,苧来到她们面前提出要帮忙。According to an old Niigata prefecture legend, Ouni appeared one day to a group of women as they were spinning hemp into yarn.

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而自从地震后,自山形到新泻再到东京,已经成为各国留学生标准的逃离路线。And since the earthquake, from Yamagata, Niigata and then to Tokyo, has become the standard international students escape route.

2009年4月,日本新潟县一所养老院发生此类事件,造成数10人发病,其中两名老年女性死亡。April 2009, Niigata Prefecture, a nursing home in Japan such incidents, causing 10 human cases, including two elderly women died.

最近的一个例子要数新泻县的县长泉田裕彦了,他极力反对重启核电厂。One recent example would beGovernor Hirohiko Izumida of Niigata Prefecture, a vocal opponent of restartingthe nuclear power plants.

新泻市秋叶区文化中心位于该市著名的铁路产业区,为占地3000平米的公共剧院,设有496个坐席。Located in a district famous for railway industry in Niigata city, Akiha Ward Cultural Center is a 3000m2 public theater with 496 seats.

考克斯先生说,自1964年新泻7.5级地震以来,日本在地震研究和设计方面投入巨大。Mr. Cox says Japan has invested a lot in seismic research and design since a magnitude 7.5 earthquake in Niigata in nineteen sixty-four.

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日本长野县和新潟县12日凌晨发生两次较强震感地震,造成山体滑坡和雪崩灾害。Nagano and Niigata Prefecture, Japan, 12, early morning quake was felt two strong earthquakes, landslides and avalanches caused by disasters.

去年10月23日,一场发生在地面以下仅13公里处的里氏6.8级地震袭击了日本新滹市中心,造成40人丧生。On October 23, an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale and striking only 13 kilometers underground rocked the central Niigata region, killing 40 people.

1月15日,在新潟县十日町市,人们为两对去年结婚的夫妇举行了一场别开生面的“抛女婿”仪式。A bridegroom is tossed into the air before roling five meters down a snow covered slope to his wife in an event held in Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture, on Jan. 15.