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他那红通的脸显得又惊惶又疲乏。His rubicund face expressed consternation and fatigue.

这两个受惊的朋友万分恐惧地从桌上跳下来。The affrighted friends jumped from the table in the consternation.

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白冬菊惊愕的分开山坡,昏倒在路边。BaiDongJu consternation of separate hillside, faint on the roadside.

苔丝大惊之下,跳下来一看,才发现了可怕的事实。In consternation Tess jumped down, and discovered the dreadful truth.

但对于其他人来说,这座最近才完工的房子让人感觉有点怪怪的。But to others, the recently finished house is cause for consternation.

当侵略军逼近时恐慌蔓延了整个城市。Consternation spread throughout the city as the invading army approached.

这些名词意指对某些迫近的不吉之事的焦虑。These nouns denote consternation that something untoward may be impending.

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令德意志民主共和国感到惊惧的是,他们在西柏林也获得庇护。Much to the consternation of the GDR, they too were granted asylum in West Berlin.

林肯不愿告诉“将军”是他母亲拿着“锡拉”,西奥多对此惊愕不解。Linc declines to tell Krantz that Christina has Scylla, much to T-Bag's consternation.

让时尚界意想不到的是,这些新名词正在对“不得体着装行为”进行重新界定。To the consternation of the fashion industry, the new terms are redefining fashion faux pas.

不管它是什么,星期天的这个大火球在整个德州导致了巨大的恐慌和惊叹。Whatever it was, the fireball on Sunday caused great consternation and wonder across Central Texas.

曼城现在又对维拉边锋阿什利·杨突然有了兴趣,这可能最使曼联觉得闹心。It is City’s sudden interest in Villa winger Young that will cause most consternation at Old Trafford.

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最惊奇的是,丹尼斯在一个发高烧的小男孩和小羊之间进行,男孩活过来了。To the consternation of all, Denis transfused a feverish young boy with the blood of a lamb. The boy survived.

公众舆论目前似乎仍倾向贝茨先生一边,但埃珀拜先生披露的内幕无疑是令人震惊的。Public opinion still seems to be behind Gilbert Bates at this time, though, much to Mr. Appleby's consternation.

“的确,他们彼此很了解,”海丝特神色平静地回答说,尽管内心十分惊愕。"They know each other well, indeed," replied Hester, with a mien of calmness, though in the utmost consternation.

此时此刻的汤姆对这种等同“迫害”的治疗已经麻木不仁,老太太对此惊恐万状。Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time. This phase filled the old lady's heart with consternation.

众人闻言后大感错愕,纷纷向蒋元表达不同意见及反应。A great consternation after all smell speech, in succession to jiang yuan express different opinions and reactions.

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对于宠物爱好者来说,茜茜的出生让他们既欢欣鼓舞,又感到一丝惶恐,因为这只克隆猫咪的出生可能会引领一个全新产业的发展--大规模的宠物克隆。To the joy and consternation of animal lovers, her birth could lead to a new industry, the large-scale cloning of pets.

因此,癌症是一种人造疾病,其原因是环境污染以及我们的饮食习惯和生活方式发生了变化。So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle" caused particular consternation.

次日破晓,卞福汝主教在他的园中散步。马格洛大娘慌慌张张地向他跑来。The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. Madame Magloire ran up to him in utter consternation.