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但是更多的例子思维迟钝。But far more common is mental slowness.

勤奋往往能弥补智力的迟钝。Hard working often counterbalances slowness at learning.

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缓慢溶于氢氟酸和热浓硫酸。The slowness is dissolve in hydrofluoric acid and hot oil of vitriols.

也许最好的策略便是接受不适和缓慢。So perhaps the best strategy is to just accept discomfort and slowness.

伴随着树根崩裂的刺耳声响,这棵强健的巨树痛苦地缓慢倒下。In a cacophony of cracking, splintering roots, the mighty tree TOPPLES with agonizing slowness.

随着地层时差的不同和扩径量的不同,双发双收声系的补偿能力也不同。The compensated ability varies with the difference of bed slowness and changes of hole diameter.

跳远助跑的快慢较大程度取决于速度利用率的大小。The slowness and quickness of the run-up in long-jump mainly depends on the utilization rate of speed.

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阵列声波测井资料处理的关键是准确提取纵波、横波和斯通利波慢度。The key to array sonic logging processing is accurately calculated the slowness of P&S wave and ST wave.

本文介绍了一种利用慢度曲面判断三方晶系晶体纯模轴的方法。A method of obtaining the pure mode direction of the trigonal system by the slowness surfaces is introduced.

歌特谢德是德国的文学家,后来被一些作家当作傲慢和迟钝的典型。Gottsched was a German writer, who was regarded latter by some writers as an archetype of arrogance and slowness.

尽管任务很艰巨,进展也缓慢,工人们仍顽强果断地继续干着。Despite the difficulty of the task,and the slowness of the progress,the workers continued to plug away at it manfully.

为了克服级数收敛缓慢的缺点,提出级数求和公式。In order to overcome the demerit of the slowness of the series convergence, we put forward the series summation formula.

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一些官员指出IGAD政府对干旱引发的紧急事件缺乏快速的检测和反应,过于迟缓。Some officials pointed to the slowness of IGAD governments in detecting and responding to emergencies brought on by drought.

缓慢的点票与在巴格达酒店大厅和各政党总部进行的发狂般高速的谈判形成了鲜明的对比。The slowness of the count contrasts with the frenetic pace of negotiations in Baghdad's hotel lobbies and party headquarters.

用全波列记录,不仅可以确定首波的慢度,也可以确定后续波的慢度。With full-waveform recording, it is possible to determine the slowness not only of the first arrival but also of later arrivals.

对于那些碰到速度被拖慢的人来说,这些提升性能的配置工具就可以大展身手了。For those who reported the slowness issues, these performance enhancements and configuration tools will likely be a great benefit.

而且露丝也总是很疲倦,这也就解释了为什么她会反应迟钝,这么不听话,发起脾气来让人害怕,难堪。And so Ruthie is often tired. Which could very well explain the slowness to respond, the intractability, the scary, humiliating fits.

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我磨磨蹭蹭下了车,我要去的地点是阿什格罗夫村,但买了一张再过一站下的车票。I got out with a painful and deliberate slowness. I was going to the village of Ashgrove, but took a ticket for a station further on.

现在,远足的慢悠悠看起来是优点,因为花在小径上的时间越多,不受干扰的思考时间就越多。Now the slowness of hiking seems an advantage, because the longer I spend on the trail, the longer I have to think without interruption.

但由于我国近代社会发展缓慢,社会几经沉浮,人们无暇顾及休闲活动。But owing to the slowness of the social development, and the vicissitude of the society, the more people have no time to enjoy the leisure.