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定义角色和工作流。Define personae and workflows.

请注意,这些角色完全都是非技术性的。Notice that these personae are completely nontechnical.

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在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie.

学生们感觉到不同角色的运用非常的有效。The students feel that the use of personae was extremely useful.

获得安全策略后,就要定义角色和工作流。After you've got a security policy, define personae and workflows.

按各大区域划分对国际焦点时事新闻和人物进行追踪和解读。Trail and analysis on global issues and personae in different regions.

书中女主人公是作者的真实写照。The female dramatis personae in this book is a real portraiture of writer.

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我通过运用不同的人物将这家客户机构介绍到课程中来。I have introduced the customer organization into the course by using different personae.

以更具设计感的形式来演绎世界文化、艺术等领域的新闻人物与事件。Annotation with fresh ideas on personae and issues in a worldwide field of culture and art.

我开始扮演别人的角色,尽我所能的参与其中。I started taking on the personae of other people and tried to play along as well as I could.

只是书中的爱情并不完美,男女主人公的爱情最终是一个悲剧。As the incomplete love going along with polt, a tragic ending arised among dramatis personae.

就算这些自闭症小孩能够沟通,可能也没有几个会表现出像第托这种复杂的人格面貌。Even if they can communicate, few autistics are likely to reveal personae anywhere as complex as Tito's.

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在OOAD课程和软件工程学课程的项目中,都涉及到三个客户人物。In both the OOAD and software engineering courses there are three customer personae involved in the project.

霍尔奈的理论对于分析和理解文学作品的人物心理冲突具有十分重大的意义。The great significance of Horney's ideology is to analyze and understand the mental conflict of the dramatis personae.

悲剧精神是悲剧主人公为实现某种美好的价值而同不幸命运抗争的奋斗精神和牺牲精神。Tragedy spirit is the struggling spirit and sacrifice spirit that dramatis personae oppose doom fate for some perfect value.

然而其角色和功能分析取消了内容成分,导致了文本的极端缩减。However his Dramatic Personae &Function analysis abrogated the contents of folktale, and led to extreme curtailments of text.

边缘情境是陀思妥耶夫斯基和他的主人公共同的生存境遇边缘体验是他们共同的体验。It is the plight of verge that dostoevsky and his dramatis personae share the experience of verge is their common experience.

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主人公对爱情的选择象征着其政治理想的归属,英雄美人“打败”了才子佳人。The love choices of Dramatis personae signify their political ideals, so a hero and a beauty beat a handsome scholar and a pretty girl.

只要罗马人仍是富国名单上不受欢迎的人,那么欧洲的个人解放仍是可望不可即。As long as the Roma remain personae non gratae at the rich lands' tables, the emancipation of the European individual is still on shaky ground.

这一部分将从“在路上”电影的主人公“漫游者”身上发掘出该类电影对于人类生存状态的深刻阐释。From the wander, dramatis personae in on the road movies, this part tries to unearth how on the road movie comprehend the existence status of the human being.