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为什么疯狂潘多拉现在会在这?Why iz Lunatic Pandora here now?

任何时候潘多拉都禁止入内。Pandora is offlimits for all time.

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我很钦佩潘多拉团队正在做的事情。I admire what the Pandora team is doing.

她告诉潘朵拉说,她的名字是希望。She told Pandora that her name was Hope.

那么汤姆去潘多拉到底要干什么?So what the hell was Tom doing going to Pandora?

人们都能认可潘多拉星球的灵性。The spirituality of the world of Pandora plays well.

他们的潘多拉的单词是NA'AT,意思是“人民之母”。Their word for Pandora is NA'AT, "The People's Mother".

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仅是音乐这一块,“潘多拉”就有几十个竞争者。In the music space alone, Pandora has dozens of competitors.

接下来的三周里,克里斯和潘多拉变得难分难舍。For the next three weeks, Chris and Pandora were inseparable.

潘朵拉被派到人间送给伊比米修斯。Pandora was sent to the earth and was presented to Epimetheus.

土星的F环似乎是由土卫十六与土卫十七看管。Saturn's F ring appears to be herded by Prometheus and Pandora.

在这里,您有它,所有在多合一的解决方案为您的潘朵拉的需要。Here you have it, an all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs.

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Slacker在很多方面都和Pandora、Last.fm差不多。In most respects, Slacker is similar to both Pandora and

中介人转反对付人类,并且爱上了星球上的一个女孩。The spy turns against humans and falls in love with a girl on Pandora.

被神秘的黑色盒子所包裹的满盒流星,宛如潘多拉的魔盒!Is a mysterious black box of the wrapping box meteor, like a Pandora 's box!

最好的例子,这个制度是潘朵拉的音乐推荐服务。The best example of this system is the Pandora music recommendation service.

但是她表示,除了那张长脸,潘多拉看起来一切都很好很健康。But, she says, despite the long face, Pandora appears to be happy and healthy.

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导航到你的PSP游戏菜单和执行地狱猫的潘多拉安装程序。Navigate to the Game menu on your PSP and execute Hellcat's Pandora Installer.

普罗米修斯号向一颗星球飞去,接近了与地球惊人地相似的潘多拉。Prometheus drifts against the stars, nearing the surprisingly Earth-like Pandora.

现在,导航到你的PSP游戏菜单和执行地狱猫的潘多拉安装程序。Now navigate to the Game menu on your PSP and execute Hellcat's Pandora Installer.