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在一个地方用膳。Eat at a place.

做一个餐垫。Make a place mat.

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现在是一个占位符。,X,is,now,placeholder。,我放置在哪里呢?X What do I place?

他很爱那个地方。He loved the place.

一个适宜居住的地方。A nice place to stay.

这地方好好玩!This is a fun place !

这里还是一个双关语之地?And a punny place too?

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给卢宾谋到了一个职位。Got a place for Lupin.

我真喜欢你这新地方。I love your new place.

这是个令人毛骨悚然的地方。It is a hellish place.

在某一地方见。See you in some place.

每件工具都放在应放的位置。Every tool is in place.

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嗯,那个地方我知道。H'm, that place I know.

他损坏了那个地方。He busted up the place.

我就是认不得你。I just can't place you.

那可是个好地方。That's a great place C.

这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty.

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从一个叫卢克索的地方。At a place called Luxor.

老地方怎么样?艾蕊说。How about the old place?

我没地儿住了!I have no place to stay!