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为什么现在我看到电脑就头晕,想吐?Why I see computer is giddy now, keck?

头晕,想吐的症状是食物中毒吗?。Giddy , is the symptom of keck bromatoxism?

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他的冷幽默冷的让我作呕。His pawky humor was enough to make me keck.

国家地理。工程新典范。凯克天文台。N. G. Engineering. Connections. Keck. Observatory. HDTV.

上面图片中显示的厄里斯是由美国夏威夷上的10米凯克望远镜拍摄的。Eris is shown above in an image taken by a 10-meter Keck Telescope from Hawaii, USA.

Keck的控制室坐落在离望远镜20英里的Waimea的农场小镇。The Keck Control Room is 20 miles from the telescope, in the ranching town of Waimea.

出现头昏,干呕,吃不下东西,看见油腻的东西就会想吐是什么病状呢?Appear dazed , retch, thing of not feel like eating, see fat thing is met what pathology is keck?

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但夏威夷的凯克天文台的一个研究小队却将他们的目光投在了类似太阳的恒星上。But a team of researchers at Hawaii's Keck observatory cast their eyes on stars similar to our sun.

在1993年10米的凯克望远镜建成之前,海耳望远镜一直是世界上分辨能力最强的望远镜。Until the 10-meter Keck 1 was built in 1993, the Hale telescope had the best resolving power in the world.

为了证实这一观点,该小组使用位于夏维夷的凯克一号望远镜,进行了六个径向速度观测。Just to be sure, the team followed up with six radial velocity observations at the Keck I telescope in Hawaii.

凯克天文台的望远镜和VLT是位于不同半球的,它们从不同的方向来观察宇宙。The Keck telescopes and the VLT are in different hemispheres -- they look in different directions through the universe.

这个“行星三人组”最初由凯克望远镜和双子星北座望远镜于2007和2008年分别拍摄发现。The planetary trio was originally discovered in images taken with the Keck and Gemini North telescopes in 2007 and 2008.

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凯克1号具有灵敏的红外摄像能力,据说在月球上放根蜡烛它也能探测到。Keck 1 has an infrared camera so sensitive, it is said that it could detect the flame of a single candle placed on the moon.

最后,用凯克望远镜来确认,这些星系距离相同,都属于同一星系扩张的一部分。Finally, the Keck telescope was used to confirm that these galaxies were at the same distance and part of the same galactic sprawl.

Yuan和她的同事利用夏威夷莫纳克亚山上的凯克II号望远镜对那个星系几个不同地点的金属丰度进行了测量。Yuan and colleagues used the giant Keck II telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii to measure the galaxy's metallicity at several different points.

他们还使用夏威夷的凯克望远镜来测量星团成员的光谱,从而计算出原星团的形成时间。They also calculated when the proto-cluster was formed by measuring the spectra of candidates in the cluster using the Keck Telescope in Hawaii.

利用位于夏威夷的凯克天文台,开普勒研究小组精确测量了主恒星光波波长的细微变化。Using the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, the Kepler team made precise measurements of minute shifts in the wavelengths of the host star's light.

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剧中许多场解剖戏都到了以假乱真的地步,一场戏下来令王雷忍不住想吐。A lot of field in drama anatomized play to arrive the degree of mix the false with the genuine, a play comes down to make Wang Lei cannot help keck.

即使在莫纳克亚山,凯克也必须克服地球大气层的折射,这是地面望远镜最大的敌人。Even on Mauna Kea, Keck has to deal with the distortion caused by Earth's gaseous atmosphere, which is the greatest enemy to ground-based telescopes.

如果说凯克能回溯时光,世界上最大的望远镜——大加纳利望远镜拥有最为强大的物镜,又具有什么样的能力呢?If Keck can see back in time, imagine what the biggest telescope in the world, the Great Canary Telescope, can pick up with its chart-topping aperture.