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没有果树,比较像是没有河流的彭巴。No berry bushes, similar to Pampas without the river.

拉斯维加斯潘帕斯地区警方正调查死因。Las Pampas regional police are investigating the death.

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南美洲人把他们的大草原的称呼为「彭巴」。The South Americans call their great prairies the Pampas.

南美大草原仍然是世界上最肥沃的土地之一。The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world.

日本,强烈的橙色太阳在蒲苇边缘的后面下山了。A burning orange sun sets behind a fringe of pampas grass in Japan.

有团结德意志战车再遇潘帕斯雄鹰,经典大战我们翘首以盼。We are looking forward to the classic war against the Pampas eagle.

观赏植物包括粗草、蒲苇、牛毛草等。Ornamental grass such as mondo grass, pampas grass, blue fescue, etc.

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如果我没有奥德翁的长廊,我也许会喜欢美洲的草原吧。The pampas of America would please me if I had not the arcades of the Odeon.

潘帕斯雄鹰和德意志战车之间的对决决定谁才是真正的王者。The game between Pampas eagle and German chariot decides who the real king is.

海拔650公尺以上的最高处是所谓的彭巴草原区。The maximum elevation of 650 meters or more, is that the so-called pampas area.

在肥沃的潘帕斯草原上种植小麦或大豆总是产量颇丰。Plant wheat orsoyabeans in the fertile pampas and they will produce bounteous crops.

在肥沃的潘帕斯草原上种植小麦或大豆总是产量颇丰。Plant wheat or soyabeans in the fertile pampas and they will produce bounteous crops.

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平坦的草地上的潘帕斯草原,或是深在沙漠中的巴塔哥尼亚。We picnicked on the flat grassy Pampas and snacked in the teahouse of a Welsh settlement deep in the deserts of Patagonia.

高乔人是十七到十九世纪出现在阿根廷和乌拉圭草原地区的游牧民。The gauchos were nomadic shepherds living in the Pampas of Argentina and pasture of Uruguay From the 17th to the 19th century.

首次使得巴塔哥尼亚的西班牙的移居者,马群已成为同样多的一部分景观这里像安迪斯山脉和彭巴斯草原。First brought to Patagonia by Spanish settlers, horses have become as much a part of the landscape here as the Andes and the pampas.

阿根廷是南美洲的一个美丽的国家,与优雅的殖民建筑物,滚动潘帕斯草原,宜人的气候和温暖的人。Argentina is a beautiful country in South America, with graceful colonial buildings, the rolling pampas grasslands, pleasant climate and warm people.

大牧场起源于殖民初期的美国南部和墨西哥,那时西班牙殖民者引入了?吐?在彭巴斯草原照管它们。Ranching originated in South America and Mexico in early colonial times, when Spanish settlers introduced cattle and horsesandtended them on the pampas.

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大牧场起源于殖民初期的美国南部和墨西哥,那时西班牙殖民者引入了牛和马,在彭巴斯草原照管它们。Ranching originated in South America and Mexico in early colonial times, when Spanish settlers introduced cattle and horses and tended them on the pampas.

如在美国“玉米带”的寒冷地区和阿根廷的干旱热带草原地区,条施是磷肥施用的优选方法。For example, in colder soils of the American corn belt and drier areas of the Argentine pampas , banding is the preferred method for phosphate fertilization.

潘帕斯草原曾是一片无数努力都毁灭于斯的绿海。因此,南美洲的第一所大学和第一部民法典都没有诞生在阿根廷。The Pampas were a green sea where many efforts wrecked. For such reasons, neither the first university nor the first civil code in South America was Argentine.