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网路是一个大粪坑?。Internet is a Cesspool?

我们都生活在谎言当中。We live in a moral cesspool of lies.

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中国跟印度比就一污水坑!China is a cesspool compared to India.

将美国变成污水坑是一种爱国表现吗?Is turning America into a cesspool patriotic?

马尼拉完全是犯罪粪坑。Manila is a complete and crime ridden cesspool.

这样也好,省得我在爱情的幸福中沉沦。That's OK anyway, I love playing the happy cesspool.

他们说他们能从粪池里找出一些信息。They said that they can find some information from the cesspool.

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是的,看,这是英国的科学家们找到了莎士比亚的粪池。Listen. The British scientists found the cesspool of Shakespeare.

厕所与化粪池是两回事,不可混为一谈。Toilet and cesspool are two different matters, cannot confuse sth with sth else.

随著越来越多的消费者可能面临破产,信用卡债务清算正在成为一个热门的选择。Credit card debt is one of the major reasons why many are in a financial cesspool.

从你的嘴里闻声那高贵而伟大的人的名字简直就像见到一滴露珠落到了脏水塘里。To hear that great and noble man's name upon your lips is like finding a dew-drop in a cesspool.

不要陷入平庸的粪坑中,当涉及到你选择休闲鞋。Don't get caught up in the cesspool of mediocrity when it comes to your choice of casual footwear.

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中国去那里图的就是石油,他们并未与任何人成为朋友。亚洲的粪坑伸出了它的触须。PRC is there only for oil. They're not friends with anyone. Cesspool of Asia spreads it's tentacles.

CCTV2说北京很“干净”,而图片和其他消息证明,那就是个充满污染和疾病的粪坑。CCTV2 says Beijing is "clean, " while pictures and other sources prove that it's a cesspool of pollution and disease.

糟糕的是,两座岛屿之间的水域水质肮脏,如果你想获得执政权,就必须淌过那滩脏水。Unfortunately, the water between those islands is more like a cesspool and you have to jump in if you want to govern.

污沟已没有以往的狞恶相,从前雨水污染阴沟,现在冲洗一净。The cesspool no longer retains anything of its primitive ferocity. The rain, which in former days soiled the sewer, now washes it.

他们不能决定中国是一个超级强权,还是中国将在24小时内腐烂掉进粪坑,更不会告诉你在中国的生活究竟是怎么样。They can't decide if China is a superpower or a rotten cesspool within a 24 hour period, much less tell you about what life in China is truly like.

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在这种情况下,我很自然地就被吸引进伦敦这个大污水坑里去,大英帝国所有的游民懒汉也都是汇集到这里来的。Under such circumstances I naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.

9-18个月后,我认为我们又将陷入食品价格上涨的境地.总体而言,这是我们都应该感到关切的.Nine to 18 months from now, I think we'll be right back in the food inflation cesspool. I think that generally speaking it is something we should all be concerned about.

总能获得荣光,而邪恶,总会受到惩治,这是个绝佳的画面,邪恶像是永远堆积在粪坑中的糟粕,只能自生自灭--这样就无可担忧了!Virtue is invariably rewarded with glory and evil evil is always punished. In this amazing image, it's gathered like scum in some eternal cesspool ! where it's self-fed and self-consumed -- problem solved!