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在未来我们的模式中,没有狭隘和保护主义。There is no room for parochialism or protectionism in our model of the future.

合同相对性原则削足适履的做法,会不可避免地造成契约法的封闭化。The principle of privity of contract will, inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law.

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在乔伊斯看来,爱尔兰的腐朽政治、狭隘的民族主义也起着推波助澜的作用。The rotten politics and nationalist parochialism also accounted for the moral paralysis in the city.

在过去的几年里,一种新的狭隘主义正在中共内部走强。Over the past few years, a new Chinese parochialism has been gaining strength in the Communist Party.

在当时的历史背景下,“党化教育”有一定的积极意义,但由于其自身的狭隘性,最终仍无法避免失败的结局。At that time, the Education of Party was positive to some degree. But its parochialism led to the final failure.

这些偏隘地区的人被联系在了一起这种联系使他们感觉他们其实才是主流。And so they are pockets of parochialism that are being connected in a way that makes them feel like they are mainstream.

相比之下,美国冲突法的乡土观念却使得比较法与冲突法间的盟友关系在美国本土变得十分脆弱。But the parochialism in American conflicts law has weakened the all ied relationship between comparative law and conflicts law.

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也就是说,人类只有克服自身的狭隘性,相互尊重,才能建立友爱、和谐、幸福的人间乐园。That is to say, human beings can create a harmonious and happy paradise if they can overcome parochialism and respect each other.

但是联系这此谈话的语境,王的指向好像是美国人对世界的审视有所偏见。But in the context of the conversation, Wang seemed to be pointing toward parochialism in the average American’s view of the world.

她特别强调迫切需要反对美国的文化偏狭和对外国作品和思想的漠视。She was particularly emphatic about the urgency of opposing American cultural parochialism and indifference to writing and ideas from abroad.

数值仿真结果表明,多属性决策系统所选择的最优路径,兼顾节能、快速、安全等因素,避免了单属性决策的片面性。Simulation results indicate that this optimal path is efficient, rapid and safty and can avoid parochialism in single attribute decision making system.

这个不应该成为英国拥有大型国际银行的成本,在将来的模式中也没有地区狭隘主义和保护主义的存在空间。This should not be at the cost of Britain hosting big international banks. There is no room for parochialism or protectionism in our model of the future.

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首先从法律程序的价值论出发,将对法律程序价值的认识分为程序工具主义和程序本位主义。First, based on the value of law procedure, the knowledge of the value of law procedure is divided into procedure instrumentalism and procedure parochialism.

领导者必须通过消除内部斗争和狭隘主义,营造出一种相互协作的精神,只有实现内部的通力合作,才能形成外部的竞争优势。Leaders must foster this collaborative spirit by eliminating internal politics and parochialism and focusing on cooperation internally to be competitive externally.

这种偏见可能与语言学习下降有关,这种趋势从2003年开始加速,那时起,英格兰和威尔士不再强制14岁以上的学生学习外语。Such parochialism may be linked to a fall in language-learning, accelerated since 2003, when foreign languages became voluntary in England and Wales for pupils over 14.

近年来,随着不同学科领域之间的相互渗透,民居研究的内容也突破了原先相对狭隘的范围。In recent years, along with the mutual osmosis of different subject realm, the contents of folk domicile research break through the scope of opposite parochialism formerly.

同时,商业女性网站在网络发展“内容为王”的定律下,又大都存在着模糊、狭隘、媚俗等致命硬伤。At the same time, under the law of content first in the development of internet, Commercial feminine website have some shortcomings such as illegibility, parochialism and vulgar.

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这就要求人们的参与具有无上的勇气,不要被自我的狭隘性、落伍的顽固性、眼前的即得利益束缚了聪慧的心灵,而又一次闪失巨大的机会。This will require people have great courage, and will not make intelligent heart being tied and great chances being lost for selfhood parochialism , outdated obstinacy and short-term benefit.