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我编写代码。I write code.

写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly.

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作家写作品。Writers write.

我们创作诗歌We write poems.

我喜欢写作。I like to write.

日记中写些什么?What do we write?

你不能这么写。You cannot write.

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我写的一切。Everything I write.

人们给我写信。People write to me.

人们写遗嘱说。People write wills.

这就是我写作的原因。This is why I write.

我们可以写诗We can write poetry.

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写下你的想法。Write your thoughts.

我写作本文时间是六月。I write this in June.

写不寄出的信。Write unsent letters.

你会用英语写作吗?Can U write in Eglish?

别忘记写信来。Dont' forget to write.

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我知道你写的东西。I know what you write.

我将写一本电子书。I will write an eBook.

由我来写辩词!I write the arguments!